Chapter 38 - I don't want them to see you as a monster.

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Ahri's POV
For the next few days, I started avoiding Keira and Cain. Especially Keira. During combat training in the field, I would give some flimsy excuse to not go. I didn't want to see the both of them together. I didn't want to see her. I've even tried to avoid meeting her along the corridors. I stopped bringing her out with me on my shopping trips. I also told Keira I needed a break and to not come for our night lessons anymore. I needed time away from her. Time for these messy emotions and thoughts to disappear.

But annoyingly, Keira suddenly started bugging me 24/7. She would keep finding me and pester me to bring her along when I shop. I thought she hated it. And yet, this time, she did a 180 and started begging me to take her along. Even after rejecting her, she still shamelessly continued to chase after me, following me everywhere, trying to get me to change my mind. Since I can't get rid of this annoying girl, I will just treat it as a fly bugging me and ignore her.

One day, I was at the cafeteria eating lunch while Keira was pestering me as usual, "Senior, can you bring me along when you go shopping?"

"No," I gave the same answer for the fifth time today.

She put both of her hands together and whined, "Pleaseee. I promise I won't bother you."

I raised an eyebrow, "But you're bothering me now. Anyway, didn't you hate going shopping with me?"

She paused before lightly coughing, "Uh... No! Who says?! I love shopping with Senior! It's my favourite time of the day."

I looked at her pointedly.

She hurriedly tried to change the topic, "Anyway, isn't your coming-of-age ceremony coming soon? We should hurry and get your dress custom-made."

I rolled my eyes, "That's in 2 months. So that's work for 2 months later. Anyway, my servants will take care of it. Not me."

She hurriedly shook her head, "No. No. No. That's the most important event for Senior. How can we do it so last-minute?! We should do it now. Besides, aren't I your servant? So technically, it's my job."

Now she wants to be my servant???

I could feel other people staring at us. Staring at the clownery that was her and me.

I was getting really pissed at her incessant whining so I shouted, "Stop it! No means no! If you're done, leave!"

My sudden loud voice made her flinch. She blinked her violet eyes at me before looking down at her hands. She was shaking in fear but she still refused to leave. I felt really guilty for being mean to her. But I needed her to stop. I needed her to stop associating herself with me. I needed her to stop confusing me. I need to be hard-hearted for her sake. For my sake. All these needs to stop NOW.

I heard Keira's soft voice, "Sorry... I didn't mean to bother Senior Ahri... I just wanted to come along... Can you please bring me along..."

Hearing the sadness in her voice made my heart waver.

No... I can't...

This time, the annoying human Crown Prince walked towards us.

He looked at Keira mockingly and purposely said out loud, "Stupid commoner. Ahri already told you to get lost. So stop being so shameless here."

I could hear the laughter among the other students. They were mocking her. Mocking her for being poor. Mocking her for being ugly. Mocking her for sucking up to someone that was out of her league. My mind instantly snapped.


I glared at the human waste in front of me, "Shut up, Prince Asher. Aren't you also being shameless here??? No one needs to know your inputs."

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