Chapter 46 - Senior Ahri's birthday shopping

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Keira POV
For the next few days, I continued to stay over at Senior Ahri's home. Mrs Seria would constantly try new medicine and ointment on me to see if my wounds would heal better. But, deep down, I knew it would be useless. After all, I'm not the protagonist. So there wouldn't be any kind of miracle event that would save the dead skin on my face. I was destined to forever be like this for the rest of my stay in this world. But I do feel kinda bad when Mrs Seria kept apologising to me for not being able to cure my face. I always made sure to assure her that it's fine and that she doesn't have to feel guilty. After a few days, we had to return back to the academy. After all, nearly being executed from being wrongly accused was not a good reason to skip school, am I right?

I thought with this, I could finally go back to my lovely solo-bedroom lifestyle. But, fat chance, that fox was gonna let me have my way.

On the very first day we moved back to the academy, she told me, "Come to my room to sleep."

I had to force out a fake-ass smile instead of a grimacing one, "I don't think that will be good, right? What if other people see me enter your room every night? They would think we are in a relationship. Everyone would think you swing THAT way. No guys will want to date you. And I think it's really a pity for the pretty Senior to remain single forever."

But as usual, this Princess ignored whatever I just said, "It's either you come to my room. Or I go to yours. You decide."


"Ummm... Must we really sleep together..."

She smirked, "Yep. I can't sleep without you. So you will have to decide. It's either your room or mine."

I didn't see you having that problem previously!!!

I was silent as my mind was hyper analysing the cost and benefits. Okay, I probably can't change this stubborn Princess's mind nor will she accept no for an answer. And I definitely cannot run away from this pervert. So it's not a question of should I sleep together with her, but whether it's her room or mine. If I go to her room, I would look like a despo, trying to touch a goddess's body with my grubby hands. I would also probably be seen as a thirsty hoe that wouldn't leave a pretty senior alone. And I sure as hell don't want to be known as a horny bitch! I would take disabled trash over horny bitch anytime, any day. But that won't be the case if I managed to sneak my way to her room without being seen. I could always plan out a path with the least people walking through it. Then all these concerns wouldn't be relevant. If she were to come to my room, I won't be seen as a pervert. She would be the thirsty one. Which wouldn't be good if I want to create an innocent and well-behaved image of her. And with how thick skin this senior was, she would likely not care about fixing her reputation. Plus, knowing this nut, she would definitely choose to openly walk to my room through all the crowded areas. This 'juicy' piece of news would spread within a day. Everyone would think we're a couple. This would certainly affect my plan to match her with the main male lead. It would jeopardise my road to becoming rich. I can't have that! After a few minutes of thorough analysis, I knew what I had to say.

I smiled dryly and managed to squeeze out a voice, "Your room. We will sleep in your room."

She chuckled, "Awww~ Does Keira like being in my room?"

You wish! I just don't want to ruin my plan to get rich!

This evil Kumiho was really excited to push me to a dead end, "Good girl. You can just move all your stuff over to my room. I will see you at night."

After she said this, she left, not giving me a chance to voice out my opinions. I was standing there at a loss, feeling like I had just sold my soul to the devil.

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