Chapter 33 - If others think I'm a scheming bitch, then so be it.

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Keira's POV
After that little emotional meltdown, many things started to change. Especially between Senior Ahri and I. The very next day, before I could go down for breakfast, I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see Senior Ahri standing outside. Things were still a little awkward around us, especially after the clownish performance last night.

I shifted my weight nervously from one foot to the other, "Ummm... Does Senior have any urgent business with me?"

She smirked, "Yep," before she unceremoniously entered my room.

I closed the door and looked at her warily, waiting for her to speak.

She took out a bunch of bandages from her interspatial ring and placed them on the table.

??? What's this Princess doing?

I arched an eyebrow and asked, "What's this for?"

She chuckled, "It's for you. These bandages are imbued with cooling properties and magic seals that are able to continuously draw mana from the environment. They can help to protect and heal your burn scars."

"Okay... Cool... But why the sudden gift?" I asked hesitantly.

Nothing ever comes free. She must have something she wants in mind.

"From today onwards, you will not be wearing your mask," she announced.

There was a moment of silence until what she said finally sank in.


I hurriedly shook my head, "Uhhh... Yeah. No thanks. I'm keeping the mask on."

She smirked, "Nope. You're not. You need to build up your confidence. Get used to people seeing your face for what it is."

I retorted, "It's not a matter of 'no confidence'. It's a matter of me looking like a freak! It doesn't matter what I do. People will always hate my eyes. They will always look at me like I'm a hideous clown."

"And it doesn't matter how they look at you. I told you last night, remember? You don't have to overthink things too much. You just need to know that I like your eyes. That's all that matters," she countered.


My heart started beating fast out of nowhere. I suddenly felt that the air-conditioned room was strangely hot and stuffy.

Why am I feeling so weird recently???

I managed to squeak out a word, "But—"

"No buts. Sit. I will help you to wrap these bandages," she commanded.

I could only obediently walk up to her and sit on the chair she pulled out.

When her hands were approaching my mask, I couldn't help but tense up. I was nervous. In reality, I didn't want to do any of these. I was fine being behind the mask. It provided me protection and safety. A refuge from this cruel and judgemental world. Once she lifted my mask, my face was met with sudden fresh air. I sat there timidly, not knowing what to do. I felt so raw... So naked... There wasn't any cover to hide away my hideousness anymore. It's all out there now.

I didn't even notice I was breathing heavily until I felt soft hands on my shoulders, "Relax. Take deep breaths. It's going to be okay."


I could only nod meekly. She then proceeded to unwrap my old bandages before wrapping me with the new ones. When the cloth touched my skin, I could immediately feel a cooling sensation. She carefully wrapped my face and arms. I looked at myself in the mirror. As I thought, I looked like a freaking mummy! But the worst part of it all were those eyes. Those disgusting eyes. They were staring back at me, taunting me. I immediately looked away from my reflection. I don't need to freak myself out now.

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