Chapter 20 - So make sure to come back safe, okay?

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Keira's POV
1 month later.

It was finally time for the first practical assessment. All the Year 1 and 2 students were supposed to gather in their pairs at the field. After washing up and changing into my combat outfit, I walked towards the field. When I reached the field, there were many unfriendly glares directed to me, but I chose to ignore them. I saw the 3rd male lead and another guy with short auburn hair.

That must be the demon Lieutenant, Amon...

The male lead waved to me and mouthed 'good luck'. I then noticed the villainess sitting at the audience seat. I walked up to her.

She smiled, "Good morning Keira~"


At this point, the 2nd male lead, the demon Crown Prince, came up to me and sneered, "Hmph! A useless rat like you will probably just drag my Ahri down. I don't even know why she chose you. You're just a deadweight to her."

I was getting pretty annoyed at this attention-seeking man-child so I snapped, "Well, this deadweight here still got chosen by Senior Ahri. So I guess to her, you're even worse than a deadweight."

The bastard's face puffed up like a pufferfish and he raised his fist to punch me. But before the punch could land, the villainess smacked his hand away.

"What are you trying to do, Prince Lucifer? Are you trying to hurt my partner? If you're so scared of losing, just say it out loud. Don't need to resort to such low-handed tactics."

The man-child's nostril flared up in anger, "What do you mean I'm afraid??? She's just a disabled human! Why are you protecting her so much?! She's not worthy of your attention!"

The villainess mocked, "And you are? Who I associate with has nothing to do with you, Prince Lucifer. Best to mind your own business. Otherwise, I won't hold back my punches anymore."

The man-child huffed, "How naive! You will soon see how useless she is. You will regret choosing her over me!"

He then stormed away like an infant.

I narrowed my eyes and pointed my middle finger at him, "Fuck this man-child!"

The villainess snickered, "Well, he is a man-child, that's for sure."

At this moment, the professor in charge of this assessment came out and announced, "Good morning, everyone. Today is the commencement of the first practical assessment. As you all know, your grades will be based on the total points your pair have collected from each of the 3 assessments. For today's assessment, it will be in the form of a hunting game. Each pair can decide to send out 1 or both people as representatives. All the representatives will be randomly separated into 3 groups. Pairings with 2 people going together will be put into the same group. Each time, 1 group will be transported to a random area in this field. Your job is to collect points using this token."

As he said this, he raised up a small bronze plate.

"Of course, for pairings with 2 people participating, there will be a special condition implemented on them. For every 5 points gained, it will be considered as 1. You will have 2 hours to collect points. When time is up, every student will automatically be transported back here. The amount of points you gained from this assessment will be added to your pair's total-points counter. Your grades will be based on the amount of points your pair has collected from all 3 assessments."

With that heavy penalty implemented to pairs that decided to participate together, I highly doubt anyone with a working brain would choose that option. That option basically forced duos to work more than doubly hard just to break even with other solo students.

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