Chapter 10 - No one should interfere with my happily-ever-after ending!

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Lily's POV
During the night, I was pacing around the room, panicking that everything was about to spiral out of control. Before joining the academy, I've been having dreams. A glimpse of my future, if you will. In all of them, the same four men were always pursuing me. They would also protect me from an evil kumiho demon. They were Senior Asher, Senior Lucifer, Cain and one other person. I've never seen him before. He had short raven-black hair and pretty violet eyes. Out of all the men, he's the most handsome one. But he didn't have a bloated ego. Far from that. Unlike the others, this senior was especially quiet. Whenever all of us were spending time together, he would always be standing at the side, quietly watching us. But he's also the one who showed the most care and concern to me. He wasn't like the rest, always openly announcing their love for me to the world. He's too shy for that. Instead, he'd let his actions speak for themselves. He would silently help me from the shadows, without caring if I knew it was him or not.

Whenever I was upset, he would silently offer me comfort and companionship. Even though he's weaker than the rest since he can't use magic, he never hesitated to protect me from all dangers. He's the one that gave me the most warmth and security. In the end, the evil demon was finally executed. I married Crown Prince Asher and all of us lived together happily ever after. When I was finally admitted to the academy, I was bursting with excitement. I wanted to meet all of my future boyfriends, especially the man with violet eyes. I wanted to see him the most. But in the end, even though I met everyone, including the evil kumiho, I didn't get to meet the most important person. The man with pretty violet eyes. I couldn't even see any traces of him in the academy at all. I was disappointed. I didn't know his name either so I couldn't even ask around. That wasn't even the worst part.

The worst part was that none of my suitors were acting according to those dreams. In the dream, the three men were supposed to be vying for my attention, and yet, only Senior Asher liked me (And he wasn't even completely loyal!). For some odd reason, the other two hated me. In fact, Senior Asher and Senior Lucifer were chasing after that evil kumiho. This isn't right. I was the one who's supposed to receive all their love. Not her!

Out of all the people who changed, Senior Ahri changed the most. She no longer fights for Senior Asher's attention. She never tried to tear Senior Asher and I apart. She just ignored all of us and minded her own business. I didn't want this prophecy to be nothing more than a pipe dream so I tried talking to her. I want to figure out why she changed so much and if there's a way for her to revert back to her original attitude. But she would always show me a cold face and straight up ignore me! I hated her. Just because I'm temporarily a commoner now, she acted so high and mighty in front of me. What's so good about being a duchess anyway??? It's still far below the position of Crown Princess! MY future status. She's just born luckier than me. Besides, she's nothing more than an evil monster waiting to be executed in the end! This beast must be the reason why everyone wasn't acting the way they were in the dream!

So I desperately tried to get the attention of Senior Lucifer and Cain. I swallowed my pride to chase after them but they refused to respond to me. Senior Lucifer was still insistent on pursuing Senior Ahri. Senior Asher, who said that I was the most important person to him, was also wooing her. Even the cold Cain, who outright rejected every one of my advances, was also friendly to that vixen. This just made me hate her even more. She must have used her kumiho powers to seduce them! Otherwise, they wouldn't have paid so much attention to her!

I tried my best to prove that I'm better than her. She might be beautiful but I wasn't ugly either. Every guy who saw me always said that I was the most beautiful girl they had met. And yet, my boyfriends' attention was never solely on me. It was on that evil witch! Fortunately, not everything changed. I was still able to form my girl entourage. Among my followers, Keira was the most loyal one. She might be the outcast of our group, but she would still listen to my instructions without question. She even saved me from a wyvern's flames. Otherwise, the one with a ruined face would be me. Luckily, she's the one who got burned instead. For a commoner that had no magic abilities, she's useful enough to block that magic attack for me. Seeing as how she was loyal enough to sacrifice herself for me, I decided that when she came back from the semester break, I would raise her rank in my entourage.

But when she returned, she also changed! She no longer looked at me with her usual kind and loyal eyes. I could feel the cold and steely glint in her gaze. The same gaze as that vixen. She even spoke rudely to me, saying that I didn't care about her! I mean, of course I don't! I'm the female lead while she's merely a cannon fodder! She's the one that should pander to my needs! Not me! She even dares to go after my Cain! How dare she! Doesn't she know her place?! She can only be beneath me! Just like everyone else! How dare she go after my man! She must have bewitched my poor Cain into giving her so many good items, even offering to teach her. Otherwise, he wouldn't have rejected me and chose to teach this ugly girl instead!

I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she's just slightly confused by the pain of those burns. I'm not that cruel as to refuse to forgive her. After all, she did save me. As long as she came back and apologise to me, I would graciously accept her back into my entourage.

When she was being ridiculed by everyone for asking the evil kumiho to be her partner, I was laughing inside. By now, she should have already realised the futility of it all. That she could only survive by being beside me. But she still stubbornly refused to lower her head to me. She even made a nonsensical promise to Senior Ahri. And that naive senior accepted it! Can you believe it?! I wonder how there could be people so dumb in this world. Since those two refuse to see the error of their ways, I have no choice but to punish them myself. After all, no one should interfere with my happily-ever-after ending! I must obtain my happiness. Just like how God showed me.

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