Chapter 49 - I don't want this to be our last meeting.

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Keira's POV
After the little murder incident, many things started to change in the academy. One of which was the way people treated Senior Ahri. The professors were now a lot more respectful to her. Of course, those old donkeys were too proud to apologise but at least I know they would not dare to casually accuse her anymore. That's one less trouble for me to worry about.

As for the students, they were already pretty remorseful so they're out of the picture too. All that's left were the male leads themselves. Besides the main male lead's sudden lukewarm attitude towards Senior, the other one was as good as dead. Because of his 'outstanding' performance, the demon King was already starting to have second thoughts on whether his pathetic son deserved to be the Crown Prince. After all, this son was not only a coward, he was also a backstabbing bastard that would collude with outsiders to condemn his own people. Even if he wanted his son to be the future King (he doesn't), the other demons definitely won't let that happen. Nobody in their right mind would want this trash to be their King. Especially not when news of this circus show was rapidly spreading among them. Unfortunately for the 2nd male lead, the demons were not as dumb as the humans. They already had their gripes with him when he didn't dare to show his face on the battlefield during the war. So when they caught wind of this, they were able to put two and two together, and figure out that this bastard was a glorified piece of garbage. Even worse when he attempted to ruin the reputation of one of their respected war heroes. Because of this, the demon realm was plunged into chaos. Many protests and riots were happening everywhere. People were calling for the demon King to give his pathetic son the royal boot. They wanted Senior to be the next demon Queen instead. I mean, who wouldn't want a beautiful and capable war hero to be the one in charge?

Another good news was the way the other students treated the heroine. After that fiasco, everyone, including the main male lead, realised that this little white lotus wasn't as kind-hearted as they thought she was. Not only was there an issue of her being the prime suspect of the murder, she was also a fucking liar, trying to get Senior killed. They realised that she wasn't as innocent as what she made herself out to be. She could be pretty cruel if she wanted to. If she's in a good mood, she would be as kind as a saint. However, if you happen to piss her off on a wrong day, she would become a cold-blooded murderer who would ruin your life. Obviously, no sane person would want to get close to her. After all, the selfish heroine just proved that she would never be forever nice to anyone. The moment their usefulness was gone, she would definitely change target and point the barrel of her gun at them. Because to her, everyone was a cannon fodder to be used and thrown away for her little schemes.

You could already see the effects of her actions. During the day, people would either look at her with suspicious stares or avoid her altogether. Whenever she tried to talk to anyone, they would find some excuse to cut the conversation short. Even her entourage didn't follow her much anymore. I mean, they saw it first-hand during the trial. She tried to throw them under the bus by calling them a liar. So of course no one wanted to follow a two-faced bitch. She was looking less like a goddess and more like a selfish driver who would drive a bus over everyone's dead body. And as usual, when things didn't go her way, that damsel immediately deployed her crocodile tears. But too bad for her, it didn't work this time. Once people no longer looked at her through tinted lenses, the effectiveness of this method plunged like fucking stocks. All they could think of was how shameless and fake she was. Which made her even less desirable to be around.

It's so satisfying to finally see the fruits of my labour slowly blooming. People were gradually dissociating themselves from the heroine and moving over to Senior's side. Her protagonist halo was being transferred to Senior. Pretty soon, there will be a new protagonist in town. And a much better one at that. However, as much as I want to laugh at how shit her situation was, I can't. Because on my end, it was about to get a whole lot worse. The second part of the graded assessment was looming ahead. This time, it would be a written one. Not something I'm particularly strong at either given my magic-less background. So I didn't have time to sit there and giggle at the heroine's demise. I have to get cracking at stuffing even more useless stuff into my brain. I really wanted to roll on the floor and cry. Back on Earth, I had to cram useless info like trigonometry and algebra, stuff that I would NEVER use in the real world. Now, I had to do the exact same shit AGAIN. I have to memorise a bunch of magic formulas and theories when I could neither use magic nor would I stay in this world forever. I felt so unwilling, so wronged. Why must I still study so much when it's all going to be useless in the long run??? Why must I always slave away doing shit work??? Even worse was that I also couldn't clown away and fail the test since Senior's grades were riding on my results too. And I definitely don't want to be responsible for the future demon Queen's black history! So I could only suck it up and start cramming.

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