Chapter 65 - It's time for the demons to have a Crown Princess.

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Keira's POV

Who's calling me...

"Baby, wake up!"

I don't want to...


I'm just... tired... I want to rest already...

"Sniff... Keira..."

Strange... Why are they crying...

I felt a light touch on my cheeks. Warm liquid dripped on my face as my hair was being carded gently. I could hear the faint sound of someone sniffling. And for some reason, my heart ached when I heard it...


I was trying my best to lift my heavy eyelids. Trying to open my goddamn eyes to tell the owner of the voice that I'm fine. But it's as if my soul was detached from my body, leaving me stranded here. I could hear what's going on outside but I just can't move a muscle. My body remained stubbornly dead.

No... Don't cry...

Pitch-black darkness surrounded me, its silence deafening. But what's most unbearable about this was the loneliness in here. The darkness was seemingly consuming me, dragging me deeper into its depths.


A warm sensation ignited in my chest and it gradually spread to the rest of my limbs. I could now vaguely feel my arms. To the point where they were not completely dead. I could slightly twitch my fingers.

Streams of transparent liquid flowed out from my fingertips, wrapping me in its warm embrace, protecting me from this depressing darkness.


The magical liquid seemed to have injected energy and warmth into my dead-tired body, revitalising it once again.

"Baby... Please... Open your eyes..."

Get up, Keira!

I groggily opened my eyes, only to squint from the glaring rays. It took a while for my blurry vision to refocus. My head was resting on someone's lap, with a bunch of faces staring down at me. Worried ones. But the one I noticed first was a certain princess with fluffy vulpine ears. Tears were streaming down Senior's face, her eyes red and puffy.

"Don't cry..." I managed to croak out despite my parched throat.

Visible relief washed over her face as she gave me a bear hug, nearly crushing me along the process. Her soft tails wrapped around my body, enveloping me in a warm embrace.

"Senior... I'm not dying... Don't need to cry..."

But the Princess only hugged me tighter, burying her face in my shoulder.

I could hear her slightly pissed voice, "You still had the cheek to say that?! Do you know you stop breathing for nearly 5 mins?! Stupid, Keira! Dummy! You always make me worry!"

"Sorry... It's not my fault that monster liked this meatball..."

Senior Ahri didn't bother arguing with me anymore. She just cuddled me like a teddy bear, sniffling away. I looked at the warm furball in front of me. Strangely, even though she's nagging at me, I didn't feel that put off by it. It didn't grate on my nerves like those old hags at the orphanage. It didn't reek of pretentious vibes like that of Arthur. It was comforting. Endearing, even. Like my well-being was her utmost importance... It's a nice feeling... Especially after the recent cruel rejection... I leaned my head against hers, my fingers subtly brushing her bushy tail.

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