Chapter 5 - The 3rd male lead???

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Keira's POV
I was thrown into a cave-like place. My eyes widened in amazement when I saw my surroundings. There were thousands of blue crystals embedded everywhere. Those crystals emitted a faint blue glow, lighting up the entire cave in a blue hue. There was even a clear-looking river in here. Unlike what you would expect from a typical cave, the air wasn't damp at all. It was clean and fresh, even fresher than the air back in my world. There's also the added benefit of a warm temperature here.

 There's also the added benefit of a warm temperature here

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I looked around in awe. If this wasn't a monster-infested dungeon, I would have really liked this place. I shook my head.

Stop being distracted! Focus!

I drew out my sword and walked deeper into the dungeon, in search of a specific monster. I made sure to make a mental note of where the exit was. After all, it would be a joke to die here just because I got lost and can't find the exit. It wasn't long before I spotted my target. I immediately ducked behind a bunch of giant crystals and observed it. It was a wolf-like beast with dark-grey fur. Its height probably reached up to my waist level. Unlike normal wolves, it has silvery armour covering parts of its head, neck and front paws.

 Unlike normal wolves, it has silvery armour covering parts of its head, neck and front paws

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I gulped and tightened my grip on the hilt of the blade.

It's okay. It's only an E-rank monster. I can do this!

I made sure that there were no nearby monsters before I came out of my hiding place. The beast turned its head and growled, revealing its long canine teeth.

Just one bite and I'm gone...

It howled and charged at me. I panicked and immediately ducked to the side. But the monster quickly reacted and changed its direction before continuing to rush at me.


I swung my blade blindly at it. But my swing was so weak that the blade only managed to make a tiny scratch on its front armour. The swing didn't even slow down the animal! It jumped at me, opening its jaws. I quickly evaded and ran a safe distance away from it.

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