Chapter 39 - Please don't hate me...

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Keira's POV
The next day after the confession.

I was in the cafeteria eating breakfast. But I wasn't even focusing on the delicious bacon and eggs in front of me. I was thinking about the upcoming plot event. In the next plot point, the 4th male lead would incite Senior Ahri to kill Keira Amos as a warning to the heroine to stay away from the main male lead. This would be the start of Senior's isolation. She would not be executed for breaking the treaty between the demons and humans since she's the human Crown Prince's fiancée. However, people would start to fear and hate her. The dissatisfaction and prejudice they had towards her would soon balloon into paranoia and they would associate her to be the mastermind behind every atrocity, regardless of whether she's the person who actually did them or not. All this would culminate to the final ending of her getting executed for attempting to kill the heroine. At that point in time, she would be left alone, with no one to grieve or remember her. I can't have that happen. I don't want the kind Senior Ahri to meet this tragic fate. I already decided to help her reach the pinnacle of life, and I don't plan on going back on my words. Besides, if she were to really descend into such an ending, I can basically kiss my rich life goodbye.

You might be wondering, since the 4th male lead was already dead and Senior Ahri doesn't love the main male lead, then there's nothing left to trigger this event. But you would be wrong in that department. Because that's all under the assumption that the novel's plot didn't change too much from the original. But it did. And by a lot. It changed so much that I now can't blindly trust the original story plot. Cain almost died from the golem since the selfish heroine refused to save him. His 3rd male lead halo didn't exactly protect him from being crushed by a mountain. If the novel didn't even protect their male leads, why would it bother protecting an antagonist??? They won't. So I have to protect Senior Ahri.

To do that, I need to stick by her side 24/7 during this entire week. The novel didn't specifically mention when the plot would begin, just that it would occur in the academy sometime during this week. So the best and safest option was to just follow her. Like this, I could potentially act as a witness to prove that Senior didn't kill anyone. But having a witness was not enough. I need to have concrete evidence to show that Senior wasn't even at the crime scene to do any murdering. In other words, I need other people to prove that Senior was right in front of them during the time of the murder. And not just that, I need tangible proof. You should know by now that I don't trust people's words and empty promises. I need something that could ensure they don't lie and backstab me. I need a contract. And not just any normal contract. It must be one that could tie their lives to it. Because, God forbid, this world doesn't have the concept of a binding agreement on a piece of paper with their signatures on it. They're not people who would simply 'honour' their words just because of a paper. They're not as civilised as the people in my world. To get a bunch of savage dogs to stick to their end of the deal, it has to be related to their life and death.

My train of thoughts were broken by someone pulling out the chair beside me. It's Cain. I was still a little awkward from rejecting his confession so I didn't say anything.

Fortunately, Cain was the one who broke the uncomfortable silence, "Morning, Keira."

"Morning..." I mumbled.

He cocked his head to the side, "You seemed a little dazed just now. Why? Thinking about something? You can tell me. I will help you.

His sudden question helped to bring my mind away from the awkwardness and I nodded, "Yeah. I'm wondering if there's any way to get someone to keep his word."

"Simple. Just beat them up."

I rolled my eyes. If only I could... Besides, beating someone up doesn't exactly make a good first impression. I can't have people seeing Senior Ahri as a murderer who beats people into submission, can I?

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