Chapter 56 - I can't have my woman be a weak damsel in distress!

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Akali's POV
I groggily opened my tired eyes. A familiar-looking ceiling came into view. I was back in my hotel room.

Right! Where's Keira?!

The moment I tried to sit up, a stinging pain at my stomach caused me to flop back down on the bed.

Bloody hell!

"Kali, take it easy. You're still hurt."

I turned my head towards Kai. She was looking at me worriedly, her beautiful eyebrows all scrunched up as usual.

I chuckled, "I'm fine, Bokkie. Stop worrying so much. You're gonna get wrinkles sooner or later."

She rolled her eyes and slapped my shoulders lightly, "And whose fault is it?"

"Okay. Okay. It's my fault. I beg this big beauty to forgive me, okay?"

She pinched my cheeks while saying, "If you can still talk so much rubbish, then I guess you're fine."

At this moment, there was a knock on our door.

Kai got up to open the door. It was Sera and Senior Evelynn.

Now it was Sera's turn to become a naggy grandma, "Oh, thank goodness you're awake! I was seriously worried, you know?! What happened? Who hurt you? I want their full names! I will make sure to beat them until they cry!"

Before I could get buried under all her questions, Senior Evelynn lightly squeezed her shoulders, "Sera, dear. She won't be able to answer so many questions at once. Why don't we give her a chance to talk, hm?"

"Oh, right! Sorry. I got too worked up."

She finally stopped rambling and looked at me expectantly. In fact, all of them were. They were waiting for me to spill the beans.

I cleared my throat, "Just some horny bastards. Don't worry. I will deal with them today-"

"Oh no, you won't," Kai's voice interrupted me.

"Bokkie, relax. I'm not gonna die from such small injuries."

But this stubborn woman refused to budge, "No! You almost died yesterday! I'm not sending a half-dead girl out there to get killed!"

As she said this, dark-purplish skin started crawling up to her chin from underneath her clothes, her face angst as hell. She looked like she was about to fly out of this room to slap some bitches' faces. But I can't have that! I want to be the one to wring their necks!

I put my hands together and started begging, "Pretty pleaseee! I was just careless yesterday! I won't be today. Promise! I just want to give those trash cans a piece of my mind. You won't be cruel enough to let me take their shit lying down, right?"

Kai looked at me sceptically before sighing, her Void skin retreating down her neck, "Fine. But if you're doing this kind of dangerous thing again, I don't care what you have to say, you're out of the competition."

I nodded obediently.

Yes, ma'am.

Now that all this proper housekeeping was done, I could finally ask the real question, "Where's Keira?"

"Who?" Sera asked.

"The girl with the bandages. The one who carried me to the finish line. Is she fine? Her back didn't break from carrying me, right?"

Instead of answering my question, Senior Evelynn teased, "Why are you suddenly so interested in her? I thought you hated her."

I crossed my arms and said indignantly, "N-No! Says who?! I merely... dislike her. Yes! I thought she was just another one of those bootlickers! It's not that I hate her..."

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