Chapter 2 - I refuse to live so wretchedly!

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Keira's POV
I opened my eyes to find myself surrounded by empty space. There's nothing here. Just endless darkness.

Oh, is this the transmigration trope I've read so much about???

I was excited. This was my one chance at a new beginning. A better one. If I could just become the heroine, everything would change. I would go from having nothing to having absolutely everything. I could finally say goodbye to this lonesome poverty. I'd be a winner in life. So long as I'm the heroine—

Suddenly, a burst of white light engulfed me, conveniently setting ablaze my precious eyes. I squinted against the harsh glare, tears brimming my vision. Once my eyeballs finally stop burning, I came face to face with a man standing before me. He was beautiful with long blond hair and amber eyes. Fluorescent yellow symbols marked his forehead, which oddly looked good on him. As in, it doesn't make him look like a dumb kid who used markers to doodle on his own face.

 As in, it doesn't make him look like a dumb kid who used markers to doodle on his own face

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Why are people in novels so good-looking too??? The world's so fucking unfair!

The man smiled, "Welcome, Keira."

I narrowed my eyes, "Who are you? How do you know my name?"

He chuckled, "No need to be so wary. I'm the god of the novel you just read."

I blinked speechlessly before laughing, somewhat hysterically, "HAHAHA!!! I actually did it! I actually transmigrated!"

The man raised an eyebrow, "You don't seem so surprised to be here."

"Don't mind me. It's just that this type of story trope is pretty common back in my world."

The faint smile on his face grew wider, "Then this makes my job much easier. I brought you here because I need your help to fix this novel."

"? Is it broken or...?"

He nodded, "One of the male interests died when he wasn't supposed to. Without him, the plot couldn't proceed properly. It completely derailed from its original direction."

"How much did it change?" I asked.

The man sighed, "The war ended with the demons' victory. The antagonist no longer likes the human crown prince. And there's not exactly much romantic tension between the two male interests and the female lead. The main hero even started chasing the villainess."

Wow... What a shitfest.

"Basically, everything's so screwed up that the relationships are not progressing at all."

I frowned in disbelief, "Really? The death of one male interest is able to disrupt the entire story?"

I didn't quite believe his words. How was the death of a sub male lead able to change the story so much? Sounds kinda fishy.

"I thought so too, but it is what it is. So I'm planning to transmigrate you into the body of one of the characters in the novel. Your job is to make the antagonist like the crown prince. Once she likes him, the rest of the story should fix itself."

... Shit. So I'm not going to be the heroine.

I crossed my arms in displeasure, "And why should I do that? I mean, I'm already guaranteed to not be the protagonist. So there's no point in me going that far just to be some 2D characters' matchmaker, is there? I'd rather live out my life in the novel peacefully."

There's no way I'm going to get myself involved in all that brainless drama. It's just asking for trouble!

God snickered, "But are you willing?"

His contemptuous tone somehow rubbed me the wrong way. Is some paper stickman making fun of me?!

"What do you mean?" I hissed.

"Exactly what I mean. Are you willing to just waste your entire life like an ordinary person on the streets? A pauper with nothing to your name and no one to remember you."

"Shut up!" I snarled, "you don't know me!"

The bastard only snickered provocatively, "Oh, but I think I do. A lot more than you think. I know that you were never happy with where you are now. Dissatisfied with your current life, having to bow down to people who you deemed as worthless, with no one to care about your existence. Even now, I bet no one even realised you've gone missing."

"I say SHUT UP!" I shouted and hurled my fist at him.

But before my fist could connect with his damn face, he disappeared and appeared behind me, his infuriating voice echoing in my ear, "With the way you currently are in life, nothing will change. You will still die with no one to even grieve for you. After all, you're just some unwanted kid on the street."

"You're not only ugly but a lazy bitch! No wonder no one wanted to adopt you!"

I gritted my teeth and threw an uppercut.

He dodged to the side with a calm expression, "But all this could change if you help me. Once you've completed your mission, I'll bring you back to your original world. But this time, with all the wealth and power you could ever dream of. You will no longer be beneath anyone. You wouldn't have to suffer the torment of those bullies at your little high school. You could even choose to pursue that little crush of yours."

I froze at his words. Honestly, I didn't want to have anything to do with this Mary Sue novel after I've realised that I wasn't gonna be the protagonist of the story. After all, the plot was so cringe and illogical that it literally had all unimportant people die just for the sake of the heroine. Either to highlight her brilliance or show just how loving her harem was. There's no way I would risk my life just to complete God's stupid mission. However, when he offered me such tantalising rewards, I couldn't help but hesitate. If I really succeed, I could finally reach the pinnacle of life. I could leave that stupid orphanage. I don't have to quietly endure harassment from Dylan and his dumb cronies. I don't have to be the scapegoat every time, always suffering such grievances. I could finally be in a position to chase Arthur.

I remembered all the luxury cars and the mockings of those assholes in school. My line of sight drifted, landing at my worn-out winter jacket.

I refuse to live so wretchedly!

Glancing suspiciously at this so-called 'God', I probed, "How are you even going to give me riches and power? You're just a character in a fictional universe."

He laughed, "Silly child. My powers are limitless. They are able to transcend beyond the mere thresholds of this novel. As long as you fulfil your side of the bargain, I'll naturally honour my promise."

I pondered silently. Truthfully, I didn't trust him at all. Something about this rat seems off. I mean, he's God after all. Who am I to make sure he stayed true to his words? He could very well get rid of me once I've done the dirty deed for him. But... What if he's telling the truth? Then wouldn't I be a fool to waste such a golden opportunity??? Even if there's a risk of dying, I refuse to continue living life like a worm! There's no point in living as a nameless bum anyway! Besides, I'm sure with the knowledge from the novel, I would be able to steer clear of the death flags. Survive all the way to the end of the story. I'm willing to play in this gamble of life and death. As long as it's a one-way ticket out of hell, I'll take it!

"Fine. But you better make sure to keep your words. Otherwise, even after I die, I will make sure to haunt you in your sleep!"

God chuckled plainly, "Sure. Then off you go."

A warm glow surrounded me. Then the familiar drowsiness came. My eyelids drooped, until they inevitably closed, plunging me back into complete darkness.

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