Chapter 14 - I shouldn't trust anyone here.

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Keira's POV
While walking back from the shopping district, I could feel an unsettling feeling in my gut, like someone was watching us. I turned around. There was no one.

Was it just my imagination???

After a few minutes, I felt the same uncomfortable feeling again. I started panicking. And no, I'm not paranoid! Since Dylan and his cronies always beat me up, I had learnt to be sensitive of my surroundings, just in case those bastards were following me back to the orphanage. I had to have this awareness to run away in time. And just to make my life harder, the sky was already turning dark and we were currently walking along a route with no one else in sight.

I hurriedly quickened my pace until I was walking beside the villainess, "Hey, maybe we should go to more crowded areas. It's not safe to walk around here alone."

But this infant still continued to joke even in this kind of urgent situation, "Awww... Is little Keira scared of the dark? It's okay. Your senior sister will protect you well."

This is not the fucking time to joke around!!!

She continued, "Anyway, it's too late for that now."

As if on cue, a man walked out in front of us. His face was hideously scarred with a black patch over his left eye. When he grinned, I could see the disgusting yellow stains on his teeth. I don't know why he's trying to cosplay as a pirate, and at this point, I'm too afraid to ask. If I have ever said that I'm the most hideous-looking creature on this planet, then I apologise for taking that title away from this man. This pirate was downright freaky. He's also holding onto a machete with a pitch-black blade.

Who the fuck even walks around in the dark with a weapon???

This serial-killer-looking man casually tested the edge of the machete's blade in his hand, "Oh my. What's a beautiful demon like you walking around on the streets for? Didn't your mother ever tell you not to be out that late?"

The villainess chuckled, "She didn't. Why would she when I can just kill any flies that stupidly comes to disturb me?"

The stalker only grinned, "HAHAHA! As expected of a dumb monster. Even in this situation, you're still so clueless. But it's fine. As long as your tails fetch a high price, I'm willing to indulge in your stupidity."

I recognised the pitch-black characteristic of his blade from the novel. It was Darksteel, a material deadly to demons.

He continued, "I really look forward to hearing your screams when I cut off your tails."

With that, he rushed towards us and swung his blade at the villainess. The villainess shoved me aside and I fell to the ground like a clown.

"Don't get in the way," she said before dodging the incoming blade.

Of course I won't!

I wanted to run but I couldn't let her die here. If she dies, I will most probably follow soon after. Anyway, she's my mission target. The moment she dies, my dream of being rich will be shattered!

"Don't let that blade touch you!" I shouted.

The pirate was grinning crazily, rushing towards the villainess while repeatedly trying to hack her down.

"AHAHAHA! That's right! Struggle! If you put up a good show, I will consider playing with you just before killing you. For a demon, you look really delicious," the perverted man cackled while licking his lips.

What the fuck??? He's deranged and fucking perverted too???

The villainess only stood there smiling. But this time, there was a deadly glint in her eyes.

She chuckled, "Oh my, thank you for the compliment. Unfortunately, lowlifes like you don't deserve to touch me. But don't worry. I have a soft spot for hunters like you."

Her crystal tail separated into nine, her round pupils constricted into thin slits. She opened her right palm and a blue seal appeared on it. A giant blue colour flame orb conjured above her palm. Without warning, she fired the orb of flames at the pervert. The guy was so focused on chasing her that he couldn't even react in time. The flames went right through his body. He spat out blood and collapsed to the ground with a giant burning hole in his stomach. I could even smell the disgusting stench of burnt flesh. A pool of blood gathered around his body. Some of his intestines even plopped out of his stomach. I nearly puked from the gruesome scene. I was staring at the bloody sight in horror. My limbs were quivering uncontrollably, my palms sweaty and my heart pounding. I had never seen so much blood in real life before. The only bloody scenes I've seen were from the movies. This wasn't the movies. This was real life.

The villainess leisurely sauntered towards the dying man while smirking sinisterly, "Where's your earlier confidence, hm? I thought you wanted to play with me. So why aren't you standing up to play then?"

She knelt down and raised the pervert's chin while licking her lips, "For a disgusting human, at least you still have one use. You can be my next meal."

Suddenly, fluorescent green light started escaping from that man's mouth, nose and eyes. The villainess parted her lips and the glowing light entered her mouth. He was screaming, his whole body writhing in pain, but the villainess didn't care. She just continued absorbing the green glow. It's at this moment that I remembered how the novel depicted the cruelty of this kumiho demon. She would often absorb the life essence of humans, especially men, in order to increase her magic powers. She didn't care if she was commiting murder in broad daylight. As long as the human possessed a strong magic foundation, she would kill him to plunder away his powers.

I was a fool to think that just because I knew the future of the plot, I would be able to easily live to the end of the story. I was naive to think that the villainess was different. That just because she treated me relatively nicely, she wouldn't kill me. I was stupid to treat this whole thing as nothing but an immersive story. What a fool! This might be a novel, but it's reality to me now. If I die here, I'm dead in real life! I'm weak and powerless in this cruel world. I'm inherently a nobody. I was nothing to the heroine. I was nothing to the 3rd male lead. I was nothing to the villainess. In fact, I'm basically like a rat in front of her. If she ever felt that she had enough fun playing with me, she would not hesitate to kill me. One wrong move and my head would be sent flying. I didn't have the time to dilly-dally anymore. I didn't have time to feel unneeded sympathy towards these characters. I need to get stronger quickly. I need to be more hard-hearted. I need to thoroughly use these people to get what I want. I need to complete my mission and get the hell out of here. I don't belong here. This place isn't my home. I can't afford to hesitate anymore.

After a few minutes, the man's life essence was completely drained. His body became abnormally thin and bony. His skin turned into a sickly shade of yellow while his eyes were now empty and lifeless-looking. The villainess let go of his chin and his head fell down to the ground like an empty sack. He didn't let out blood-curdling screams anymore. He's just lying on the ground like an empty husk as blood continued to pool around the gaping hole in his stomach.

The villainess licked her lips like a psychopath, "Now that's a nice meal."

She then turned towards me. In the dimly-lit street, her once beautiful sky-blue eyes had a deadly yellow shimmer to it. She wasn't just a typical rich spoiled brat. She's a cold-blooded murderer. Someone who wouldn't hesitate to kill me.

She smiled, "Why are you still sitting there?"

I swallowed my crippling fear and quickly got up.

Somehow, I managed to squeeze out a calm voice, "It's late. Let's go back."

I shouldn't trust anyone here. I can only trust myself!

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