Chapter 16 - Romantic night lessons

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Keira's POV
After 10 minutes, we finally arrived at the academy.

Before I could run away from this psychopathic murderer, the villainess pulled the back of my collar, "Remember to come to my room at 8pm."

I didn't really want to be alone in the same room with this kumiho. Especially not after I had seen her kill someone before my very eyes.

I smiled dryly, "Ummm... You know, there's no need for you to waste so much time on me. I'm sure the beautiful senior has many things to do. Don't worry, I can just study on my own. I'll make sure not to drag you down."

Unexpectedly, the villainess laughed coldly and suddenly closed in on me, "Why? Is little Keira afraid of me?"

I could feel her warm breath spraying on my cheeks when she talked. There's even a faint scent of peaches from her blond-pink hair. Her sky-blue eyes bore into mine. As if they're staring right through my soul. When she spoke, her voice was dangerously low. My survival instincts kicked in and I started shamelessly bootlicking. I mean, you can't blame me for that! From the whole afternoon of shopping, I had figured out she likes hearing me compliment her. I didn't feel like having my life sucked dry just yet so of course I'm gonna do just that.

I shifted awkwardly, "Hahaha... How could it be? Senior Sister is so pretty, who would be afraid of you? Everyone would be dying to be by your side just to get a glimpse of your dazzling beauty."

I guess I have to thank her for the whole shopping experience. It made me become another type of master. The master of shameless bootlicking. The mask also helped to hide my expression and voice, making me sound VERY convincing.

She chuckled, "Then, that's good. From now on, you should follow me on all my shopping trips. I expect you to be up in my room at 8, okay?"

Fuck me and my mouth! Why did I have to say that???

She asked me a question but the way she emphasised the word 'okay?' made me think otherwise. It wasn't a question. It's an order. She was silently hinting to me that if I didn't appear in her room on time, I'd end up like that perverted man.

I swallowed nervously and hurriedly nodded, "Yes, ma'am. Anything you say, ma'am."

She laughed, "Good. Then see you tonight."

With that, she left. Once she disappeared around a corner, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.


At this moment, the 3rd male lead walked up to me snickering while giving a thumbs up, "Woah~ I can't believe your relationship with Senior has already reached this stage. I really underestimated you."

??? Which one of your eyes saw that we're 'best friends forever'???

I sighed, "Are you blind??? I almost died from all this shit!"

He chuckled, "What happened?"

After recounting everything to him, he scratched his head in confusion, "What about it?"

I looked at him like he had gone insane, "What do you mean 'what about it'??? She just killed a person. A LITERAL PERSON on the streets."

He shrugged, "Besides the part about you not getting food for the whole day, which might I add, was pretty hilarious, I don't see any other issues. That human was a hunter, someone who specifically hunts down demons like us for our body parts. She's just protecting herself."

I retorted, "There's nothing wrong with her protecting herself, but she still murdered him when he couldn't resist anymore. She didn't need to kill him at all. She could have just beat him up and called it a day."

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