Chapter 54 - How did Senior know Kai'Sa and Evelynn???

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Keira's POV
The moment I walked out of the teleportation array, a breath of fresh air hit me. It's been forever since I smelled anything other than mouldy rocks in that stuffy old dungeon. I really missed this precious cool breeze.


I whipped my head around to see 3 ladies rushing towards me. Or more precisely, towards the girl sleeping on my back.

"Shhh... She's sleeping."

Kai'Sa looked at me in surprise before nodding. She walked behind me and gently peeled Akali off of my back.

Seraphine went to check on her condition while Evelynn asked in a slightly agitated voice, "What happened?"

I looked at the bunch of perverts standing at the side. Somehow, they managed to make it out without being eliminated. They were basically quivering at this point. Because they realised the precarious situation they were currently in. One word from me was enough to send their heads flying. As much as I wanted these bastards to get their just deserts now, I didn't reveal them. I know Akali's character. She would much rather torment them herself than have someone take the fun out of her revenge. I locked eyes with Liar. She was practically glaring daggers at me. Probably pissed that I ruined her plans. Not that I aim to please. After all, I thrive in her anger and depression.

I faced Evelynn again and said, "I'm not gonna name names since I think Akali would much rather prefer to deal with those bastards herself."

She widened her eyes before chuckling, "Yes. I think you're right. I guess I will leave it to her then."

With that out of the way, I turned around and walked back to Senior. She was looking at me a little annoyed, seemingly wanting to say something.

But before she could speak, I immediately fired her a question, "Senior, did anyone weird talk to you during my match?"

She raised an eyebrow and replied, "No. Why the sudden question?"

I didn't answer and just bombarded her with even more questions, "Then, did anyone strange approach you? Did anyone annoy you? Did anyone hurt you? Tell me, I will deal with them."

After all, the sudden realisation that Liar knew the truth about her destiny made me paranoid. I didn't trust her. I fear that once I become careless, Senior would be the one who suffers. She would be the one to die from the consequence of my actions. And I can't have that.

She chuckled and lifted my mask, "No, silly. Who would be dumb enough to annoy me? This great Kumiho will rip out their livers if they dare to step out of their place."

She looked at my bloodied hands and mask before frowning and holding up my hands, "What happened to you??? Are you hurt??? Who bullied you? I will beat them senseless."

Her questions reminded me of the murder I just committed. The scene of that bastard's bloody head rolling on the ground appeared in my mind. The way my blade sliced through his neck with ease. I remembered the expression on his detached head. The look of horror. As if they were looking at a deranged killer. I can't help but tremble.

No! Get your shit together, Keira! You had no choice! So don't look back now! Don't make Senior worry!

I took a deep breath to control my quivering voice and managed to force out an expression that could still be considered as a smile, "Don't worry. It's not my blood. It's some asshole's one."

I thought my performance was convincing enough, but apparently not. Senior Ahri just moved her right hand to the back of my head and gently guided me to rest on her shoulders. She caressed my head while patting my back soothingly.

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