Chapter 41 - Kaizer... Kaizer really came back!

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Ahri's POV
I was busy fighting that bastard's goons, trying to get to Keira. Cain also came down to help me. But they were like cockroaches, refusing to die. They just kept swarming around us.

NO! I need to help her!

In the middle of all that chaos, I was trying to find Keira. To my horror, I saw that sick bastard stabbing a dagger into her right eye. She was screaming in pain, struggling to pull the blade out.


I turned to look at those cowardly professors, "Aren't you going to do something?! She's going to die!"

But those assholes merely looked at the scene emotionlessly, "This is a duel, Miss Ahri. She wanted it herself. So she should suffer the consequence of her foolishness."

I couldn't believe my ears. These were the maggots who said Keira was a traitor to her own kind. But these hypocrites were the same. No, scratch that. They were even worse! All they knew was to call me a monster, and yet, they were cruel enough to watch their own people die in front of them. They were the real monsters!

I couldn't rely on these backstabbers to do anything so I conjured up even more Fox-Fires to burn the trash around me. But they refused to get out of my way. I could only look on helplessly as Keira continued to suffer in front of me.

No... I can't lose you too.

I remembered the helplessness I felt when Kaizer died in my arms. He was bleeding profusely and yet, I couldn't help him at all. I could only watch as Kaizer gradually closed his eyes. Watch as he slowly disintegrates in my arms before disappearing forever.

"Senior Sister is so pretty, who would be afraid of you? Everyone would be dying to be by your side just to get a glimpse of your dazzling beauty."

No... Please...

I remembered the pain of losing Kaizer. The pain of being left all alone in this cruel world. With no one by my side. I don't want to experience that pain again. I don't want to.

I saw Keira stopped struggling. She no longer screamed anymore. She was just lying there, looking at the dagger like a fool. I could feel tears gathering in the corner of my eyes. I couldn't stand the thought of never seeing Keira again. Never hearing her voice again. I don't want her to disappear from my side. I don't want to experience the pain of losing her. I don't want to.

No... Don't leave me too.

"Lucifer, stop. I will marry you. Just let her go. Don't hurt her anymore."

That bastard turned to look at me, "Do you mean your words?"

I numbly nodded my head, "As long as you let her go, I will marry you."

I don't care if I had to marry this snake. I don't care if I have to see his disgusting face for the rest of my life. I just wanted him to stop hurting Keira. I don't want Keira to suffer anymore. As long as she can live, I'm willing to do anything. Even if it meant licking the foot of this bastard.

As if she weren't happy with living just like this, this stupid girl grabbed that bastard's head and exploded her hand. Pieces of bloody flesh flew everywhere along with pitch-black shrapnels. I couldn't care less about that bastard screeching away. All my attention was on her tattered right hand. The burnt and bloody state of her blown hand.


"Are you insane, Keira?! Or are you tired of living?! Why did you explode your own hand???!!!"

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