Chapter 3 - You liar...

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Ahri's POV
I opened my eyes to find myself back in a familiar-looking room. A gloomy room with a woody smell to it. Even though the sun was shining bright outside, it failed to light up the inside of this little shack. But it was still a place that gave me warmth. It's the familiar feeling of home. I crawled out of the comfortable blanket filled with the nostalgic smell of grapefruit. It was at this moment when I noticed my left paw was bandaged up.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

The door opened with a creak and in came a person with raven-black hair and violet eyes. The person I most wanted to see for all these years.


I desperately wanted to pounce on him. To ask him if he was hurt. To ask him why he took so long to come back to me. But when I tried to open my mouth, I realised that I couldn't utter a single word. I couldn't even control my own freaking body! I was so close, and at the same time, so far away. I could only stare at the younger version of Kaizer in frustration.

When he saw me, he smiled, "Good morning. Did you have a good night's sleep?"

My head turned to the side on its own and I ignored him.

No! Stop this shit now!

I tried really hard to regain control of my body. It has been so long since I last saw Kaizer. I didn't want to show such an asshole attitude to him. But my stupid body wouldn't listen to me!

Luckily, he was still as patient with me as always, "I'm sorry if I accidentally woke up the little princess from her beauty sleep. Will you forgive me, princess?"

Fortunately, my young self finally stopped being an entitled brat. I gave a slight nod.

"Thank you. You must be hungry. I got some apples for you. Would you like me to peel some for you?"

I nodded again. He then proceeded to sit down beside the bed and started peeling the skin off of the apples. I was staring intently at him. Just like his grown-up self, he was really cute when he's young. I really regretted not treating him well when I first met him. After all, back then, we were merely strangers and I didn't trust him at all. From young, Papa and Mama had always drilled a teaching into my head.

'Never trust humans.'

It was not without reason. During that time, there's an ongoing war with the humans. Humans have always been prejudiced against us demons. They loved to act high and mighty, as if they were the next coming of god while we were the devil's incarnate. I mean, sure, there were some demons that actively harm humans, and I did too. But I wasn't like those tasteless brutes that only know how to kill and eat humans. I only hurt them if they dare to harm my clansmen or I. I never actively hurt humans unless provoked. Anyway, those hypocritical humans also did their fair share of hurting us. They would kill us for materials or hunt us for sport. In the end, they're just a bunch of cruel and selfish species that only cared about themselves. I thought Kaizer would be just like them. But he was the first person to prove me wrong. He was the only human to ever look at me with such innocent eyes. There wasn't any hint of disgust or greed in them. He was genuinely trying to help me. At that time, it was also a huge risk for him to associate himself with a monster like me. After all, there was a feud between both of our species. If he were to be seen helping me, he could very well be branded as a heretic and killed by the other humans. And yet, he still risked his life to help me.

"Here, eat some."

Kaizer's voice brought me back out of my thoughts. He held up a slice of apple towards me. He wanted to feed me. I wanted to open my mouth to bite the apple piece in his hand but my stubborn body wouldn't do it. My young self turned my head away and gave him the cold shoulder.

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