Chapter 42 - Did she just kiss me???

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Keira's POV
Where am I?

I opened my eyes to find myself in a familiar-looking hospital. I was sitting on one of the seats. There was a pungent antiseptic smell in the entire lobby area. The brightly-lit room was packed with many people. Some were registering at the registration booth while others were waiting for their numbers to be called.



I heard a very familiar voice. I turned to look. It was Arthur!

Arthur??? What's he doing here???

I was staring at him in utter confusion. Aren't I in the stupid novel? So what am I doing back in my world???

"Keira, are you okay?" Arthur asked while waving his hand in front of my face.

His voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked at him. His cerulean-blue eyes were staring at me, his wavy golden-blond hair shimmering in the light. Maybe it was all a dream. Maybe I had never transmigrated into that cringe novel. Maybe I hadn't lost my eye or blown up my hand. After all, that idea was so stupid to begin with. What 'transmigration'??? It's all just fairy tales! Yes! Everything was just a long and tiring dream! I have never left my world!

"Sorry. I didn't hear you. What did you just say?"

He looked at me worriedly, "My chauffeur already booked an appointment for you. You can go now."

At this moment, another nurse came over to support me. She was leading me away from the lobby area. I looked back at Arthur, hoping he would follow me.

But he just stood there and said, "I'm sorry, but I can't accompany you. I have to go back and revise for the upcoming exams. Don't worry. I have already paid the fees. I will send my people to come and check up on you later."

I began to panic. My broken ribs were practically screaming in pain but I continued to struggle like no tomorrow. The nurse was trying to calm me down but I didn't even hear her. All I could think of was that Arthur was going to abandon me here.

No... Please... Don't leave me...

"No! Don't leave me! I won't be a deadweight! I swear I will become rich! I won't remain poor forever! So just give me a little more time!" I desperately shouted.

But no matter how much I begged and pleaded, Arthur refused to change his mind. He refused to follow me.

He just smiled, "It's okay. You will be fine. I have to go now. Goodbye, Keira."

After he uttered those cruel words, he turned around and left. I was looking in horror at his gradually leaving back. He was getting further and further away from me. And there was nothing I could do.


My eyes flew open and I was staring at an unfamiliar ceiling. Hot tears were dripping down my face. I was panting heavily, my whole body in utter pain. Especially my right eye. When the salty tears came into contact with it, I couldn't help but flinch. This was when everything came crashing down. I remembered my cruel fate. I was stuck in this fucked-up novel. Poor and all alone. Dying from a stabbed eye and exploded hand. My bleak situation, mixed with the excruciating pain of my busted-up body, made me tear up uncontrollably. I hate this shit! Why do I have to suffer all these? I didn't ask to be born like this! So why must I be poor and ugly?

I heard Senior Ahri's voice, "Keira, it's okay. Everything will be fine."

No, it won't! Nothing is! Everything is doomed from the start!

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