Chapter 15 - Just like Kaizer...

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Ahri's POV
Not going to lie, when I first found out that Keira didn't know anything about magic, I honestly regret agreeing to be her partner. I thought that even if she was useless in the practical aspect of the assessment, she would still have the theory knowledge to make herself useful. But since she didn't know that either, this meant that in the end, every part of the assessment was still left up to me. How was that any different from doing it alone??? I was pretty pissed that I ended up giving myself even more troublesome work to do. She better make sure her promise wasn't a lie. Otherwise, I'm not sure whether I could control myself not to eat her up.

You might be wondering why I wanted her to follow me during my shopping trips even when I'm annoyed with her. Well, I can't exactly be scammed by this girl just like this, can I? So I made sure to get back at her during the trip. I purposely kept shopping for clothes when it's obvious she wanted to eat. Anyway, it's pretty entertaining hearing her compliments. In fact, I thoroughly enjoyed hearing it, especially when it came straight from her mouth. Unlike the other guys who would always flirt using the same old pick-up lines, she's really creative in her choice of words. It's slightly exaggerated and funny but still more interesting than the usual ones I've heard. However, despite all that, it was pretty infuriating that she's still being awkward and uncomfortable around me. I mean, it wasn't like she hated demons since she was fine around Cain. She's just like this when it came to me. She even refused to sit on the same couch as me! I had never been this unwelcome by anyone before. Even if those humans hated a demon like me, they would never openly show their disdain because of my beauty. And yet, this powerless human seemed to not be charmed by my beauty at all! To a kumiho who took pride in her beauty, it was like a slap to my face. I had to make sure to get back at her. Besides, if she really wanted to eat, she could have just said something. I was waiting for her to open her golden mouth to ask me but she stubbornly refused to. She'd rather just stare at those food stores than ask a favour from me!

I didn't really want her to literally starve to death so I decided to cut her some slack and invited her to dinner. She immediately became invigorated and even volunteered to lead the way. It's the first time I saw her THAT excited and happy. She always has this sad and monotonous vibe to her. Like the world was going to end. So now that I saw her showing more emotions other than depression, I was pretty happy. Keira must be starving since she immediately wolfed down the plate of food. She looked really cute eating so fast, like she's afraid that others would steal her food. She's especially adorable when she was rendered speechless by my words. While eating, I noticed parts of a reddish scar on her exposed lower face. It's a pretty bad burn mark. I remembered Cain saying that she was burnt by an A-grade wyvern. That must be why she was wearing a mask all day. 

After she finished eating, she started staring at me so I wanted to tease her. It was then that I heard her real voice for the first time. It was soft and enchanting. Not like the raspy voice behind the mask. I didn't understand why I was paying so much attention to her. I didn't even notice her existence at all in the last semester. Her presence sort of just blended into the crowd of people. But after she came back from the break, I began noticing her. Only to realise she wasn't really like the other humans. The way she reacted and talked wasn't like her kind. She's never afraid of other people's higher status and rank. She didn't bother sugarcoating her words either. They were always straightforward and brutal. Unfortunately, just when I started being interested in her, she began wearing this annoying mask on her face so I didn't even know what her real face looked like. On our trip back home, the atmosphere between us was less awkward as before. Of course, this didn't last long when that human pest decided to interrupt our moment.

After that little hunter fiasco, we walked back to the academy in complete silence. It was back to the same old suffocating awkwardness again. I was pretty pissed since I just managed to get her to be more comfortable around me. But that pest had to ruin all my efforts. Anyway, I didn't even know why she reacted that seriously to such a small thing. It's just a dead human. When I killed that little insect, I noticed her shivering on the ground, completely unable to move. I didn't understand why she was so afraid, like she had never seen this kind of thing before. I mean, it wasn't THAT gory. Besides, she should have seen people being killed before. In fact, it would have been a wonder if she managed to pass 17 years of her life without witnessing any murder whatsoever. This was a normality in our world. Only the strong get to decide the fate of others. The weak would always be trampled by the rest. A weak person like her should be painfully aware of this cruel fact. And yet, it looked like she had never seen a murder before. She hated seeing murder. She was too soft-hearted...

Just like Kaizer...

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