Chapter 47 - Beach day

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Keira's POV
I woke up with a pair of familiar fair arms wrapped around my waist again. At this point, I'm so used to this woman's weird antics that I don't really freak out anymore. Just so long as she keeps it PG13. Anyway, I don't even get why she likes spooning me so much. If she wants the warm and cuddly feeling, she's better off hugging herself. She's the very definition of a cotton ball. Meanwhile, my stiff washboard body was neither warm nor soft.

I heard her soft voice behind me, "Good morning, Keira~"

"Morning," I replied tiredly.

There was a pause before I added, "By the way, happy birthday, Senior."

She giggled and kissed my cheeks, "Awww~ Thank you, Keira. Ready for our little beach day?"

Honestly, no.

I nodded.

She chuckled and kissed my cheek again before letting go of me, "Let's go to the one near my home."

I nodded again and got up to prepare. Since we were going to a place filled with blazing flares of the sun, it would be dumb of me to wear a long-sleeved shirt and sweatpants. I would get baked in my clothes. So I decided on a plain white t-shirt with black shorts. Hopefully, Senior Ahri wouldn't touch me INAPPROPRIATELY during the trip. After washing up, she cast a teleportation array beneath us. The cool marbled floor underneath me was instantly replaced by a warm sandy ground. The cold air-conditioned temperature was changed to a hotter outdoor one. The bright morning sun bathed the whole place in a warm light. The sand beneath us was completely yellow-white and clean, not a piece of litter could be seen. In front of us was the vast deep-blue ocean. There wasn't a single person in sight. It was just us. I was staring at this beautiful place in amazement. I have never seen a place so... undamaged. So untouched by humans. It was like no one has ever visited here before.

"This is my family's private beach. Do you like it?"

I nodded, "Y-Yeah. It's so pretty... I like it a lot!"

She smiled knowingly and patted my head, "That's good. Why don't you go dip in the water? I will cast a dry spell on you."

After she said that, she placed her hand on my shoulder and a light blue seal appeared on my sleeve. She did the same thing to the bandages on my face.

"There, now your clothes and bandages won't get wet. I will go and change first."

With that, she turned and left. I whipped my head back to the inviting ocean. The water surface was reflecting the sun rays off of it, practically screaming for me to jump in. And that's what I'm gonna do. I sprinted to the sea and cannonballed into it. The cooling seawater met my face, instantly refreshing me. It was so comfortable that I stayed underwater for a good few seconds before my head broke through the water surface for air. It has been so long since I went to the beach. The last time I went was during a class trip back when I was a freshman. And honestly, I didn't enjoy it a lot. I was too nervous with so many of my classmates there. I didn't dare to go into the water since I was really self-conscious about my body. I didn't want anyone to see my body. Not even Arthur. And especially not by Dylan and his bunch of cronies. Because of this, I didn't even get to fully embrace the experience. Never thought I would actually get to truly enjoy it first-hand in this Mary Sue novel. Fate is really such a strange thing.

I looked down at my shirt sleeve. It was really dry. Even though I could feel the water against my skin, my clothes itself was completely dry.

How fascinating.

While I was busy frolicking in the ocean, I spotted Senior walking towards me.

Her long side bangs were tied back in a braid, her silky blond-pink hair swaying in the breeze and shimmering in the sunlight. Her skin colour was almost the same shade as the white sand. The black bikini on her body further accentuated the fairness of her skin. She has the highly sought-after hourglass figure that most women would die to have. In other words, she was the very definition of what a perfect woman would be. Perfect face, skin, figure, family background. Everything. The main male lead must be really stupid and blind as fuck if he could choose that ugly heroine over Senior. I could feel my face heating up from the beautiful sight in front of me so I submerged half of my face into the water, trying to hide my rapidly reddening face.

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