Chapter 73 - I will make sure you get a happy ending in real life too

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Keira's POV
The next morning.

The moment I opened my eyes, my barely awakened consciousness was instantly slammed face-first with a sweet peachy scent. This was when I remembered staying overnight in Ahri's room, sleeping side by side with a goddess. I peeked at the sleeping woman's face. At her fair cheeks. Even with her messy bed hair, she still looked illegally sexy and hot. Like everything she did was meant to stir some... disturbing thoughts. She was snoring softly, her face buried in the warm blanket. I couldn't help but touch her soft cheeks. She was really pretty... And kind... I must have done a lot of good deeds in my past life to have such a perfect princess as a girlfriend. Ahri stirred a little before she gradually opened her eyes. Her alluring sky-blue eyes.

She stifled a yawn and hugged me, "Good morning, baby~ What time is it?"

Thump. Thump.

"Morning. It's only 6. You can sleep more."

She hummed happily and snuggled up against my neck, purring like a little fox. And again, maybe I'm a furry but I suddenly have the urge to pat her head. Especially when she acted all adorable like this.

"Can I pat your head?" I asked cautiously.

She raised an eyebrow, "Baby, I'm your girlfriend. So you can do anything you want."

Then she leaned towards my ear and blew hot air on it, "Anything~"

Thump. Thump. Thump.

My face instantly went red, "S-Stop being horny! It's still 6!"

I hurriedly patted her head to keep her dirty mouth shut and my furry tendencies locked up securely in a closet, where it rightfully belonged! She giggled and said nothing, just enjoying having her hair being carded and tidied.

"Oh, I need to go to have my hand looked at later. The splint is supposed to be coming off today."

This time, she raised her head and looked at me seriously, "Who hurt you? Tell me. I will make sure to beat them up."

"What happened to you??? Are you hurt??? Who bullied you? I will beat them senseless."

For some reason, the thought of a K-pop idol pulverising someone didn't seem that strange to me. In fact, it kinda fitted her (?).

I swallowed nervously and murmured, "It's... It's not me being hit... I... I'm the one that punched someone..."

There was a horrible sinking feeling in my stomach. The thought of exposing myself as a psychotic brute in front of this perfect goddess was tearing my confidence apart. I knew it's easier to lie to her. But... I just can't... I don't want to lie to her... No more of that stuff... However, I also don't want her to have second thoughts about me. I don't want 'us' to end.

My heart was beating rapidly, my hands sweating profusely. I was waiting with bated breath. Waiting for Ahri to be disgusted with me.

But what I got was a comforting squeeze of my hand and a slight chiding, "Silly baby. Why punch him with your fist? You should have used some other weapon. Don't need to hurt yourself over that bastard."

I blinked my eyes in confusion.

Did my idol just... teach me how to beat people up?


She stared at me earnestly, "Next time, if anyone annoys you, don't use your fist. Use a weapon. Otherwise, I will feel sad when you're hurt."


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