Chapter 59 - I hope Senior Ahri likes me...

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Keira's POV
Once the glaring rays from the teleportation array died down, I opened my eyes to find myself standing in the middle of some grassy field. The warm sun bathed everything in yellowish light. I could feel a cooling breeze blowing against my body. It was so comfortable. So serene. I shook my head and concentrated. Surrounding me on all four sides were tall rocky walls.

I think I'm in some kind of valley.

I started walking along the walls, trying to find a safe way to get out of here without breaking my neck. After a few minutes, I noticed some protruding rocks that faintly outlined a route out of this crater. With my hand gripping on one of the jagged edges, I boosted myself up using the rocks as footholds. Just like this, I slowly made my way out of this place. Fortunately, I wasn't literally stranded on some perilous mountain peak. There was still a relatively safe pathway, albeit a narrow one with some of the rocky edges crumbling away. I walked along the windy path down the mountain. Once I'm back on solid ground, I whipped out the mini GPS I made using tracing magic. One of my teammates was currently a few metres away from me. While following that blinking red dot, I kept my eyes peeled for those strange plants on the list. Within a few minutes, I found the red dot. It was Kai'Sa.

She was currently facing off against a giant tarantula-like creature. The spider's whole body was pitch-black, its height towering at about 3-metres tall, its gaping mouth large enough to fit even a tall woman like Kai'Sa. Its eight seemingly sticklike legs were packed with muscles and serrated barbs, all of which sent tremors across the earth when the spider moved. A pair of beady green eyes stared at Kai'Sa. The monster opened its mouth and let out an ear-piercing screech before charging straight at her. This was when I witnessed Kai'Sa's Void powers. Purple ink-like substance bubbled on her skin. Her Venom-esque symbiote crawled up her neck, gradually forming a hard-shelled mask over her face. The same rubbery substance slithered over the rest of her fair human skin, enveloping it in dark scalelike armour. The whole transformation completely erased all traces of humanity from her. Only a pair of emotionless fluorescent-purple eyes glowed from her dark armour. They were the eyes of a hunter.

Two shoulder pods materialised behind her back. There was a faint buzzing sound before the hovering pods fired 12 purple missiles at the spider's mouth, effectively blasting half of its jaws away. The monster's charge was halted as it shrieked and bucked its abdomen. Its spinnerets widened, shooting out sticky white webs towards her. But the daughter of the Void merely disappeared, the projectile completely missing its target. No, not disappeared. She moved with such speed until only her after-image could be seen. This was the exact skill that made Kai'Sa the only human to ever survive after falling into a Voidspawn-infested chasm.

Killer Instinct.

She reappeared a short distance behind the spider. Her shoulder pods vibrated and hummed as a much brighter glow shone from them. Suddenly, two beams of concentrated Void energy were shot out at high velocity. The beams intertwined mid-flight, spinning and rotating like a torpedo as it flew towards the monster. It straight up punched a hole through the spider's whole body, destroying a bunch of trees as the bullet continued on in its trajectory. The tarantula crashed to the ground, its disgusting legs twitching. Bright green blood pooled underneath it, producing a pungent smell. The thing was screaming weakly while continuing to struggle in vain. Kai'Sa slowly sauntered over to its head, not reacting much when it tried to chomp down on her legs. Before the monster could spit venom at her, a crystalised katar-looking blade materialised around her right hand. One swipe of her arm was all it took before silence ensued.

Meanwhile, I was squatting in the grass, looking at this whole scene in shock. The novel did highlight Kai'Sa's strength, but I didn't expect her to be that OP! I mean, she's a demon General for a reason... But still! That was way too much firepower! To be fair, she did deserve to be a tad bit more powerful than others seeing as she managed to survive from a Void calamity. Most Void-constructs would have consumed any and all sources of life they touched. This woman managed to not only live but coexist with one of those monsters inside her. Because of this, she was able to harness the powers of the Void. It's as good as being fucking broken!

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