Chapter 6 - I'm looking forward to the start of school.

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Cain's POV
I was currently walking along the outskirts of a slum. There's an ongoing rumour that a new dungeon would appear here so I decided to check it out. Earlier today, a certain annoying commoner girl asked me to go with her and the human prince to this said dungeon. She wanted me to train her. The audacity of that brat! I shuddered at the thought of being anywhere remotely near her and immediately rejected her. I didn't understand why all the guys were so wrapped up around her fingers. I mean, she was pretty but that's about it. Nothing about her stood out to me. Fortunately, I wasn't the only sane guy around here. Lucifer also thought so too. He hated her very existence. Especially when she kept getting in the way of his pursuit for Senior Ahri. That commoner was an arrogant woman who thought that just because she was a little good-looking, she could go around flirting with all the guys. She even tried to get my attention when she's already flirting with the human prince! It's like she's trying to form her own harem or something. Hmph! A worthless trash like her dares to have such dumb thoughts?!

Not only that, she's also like those typical women that would always act weak and frail in front of handsome guys just to get their attention. I hated those kinds of people the most. Not only was that behaviour utterly revolting, it also made me lose all my respect for them. These types of women can't do anything by themselves without the help of others. She even has an entourage of girls that stupidly follow her orders like some puppets or something. They would go as far as to die just for her sake! What fucking clowns! It's only women like Senior Ahri that managed to salvage their gender's image. She was the embodiment of what a strong woman should be. She wouldn't beg for a man's attention. She wouldn't put all her self-worth on a guy. She would do everything by herself and reject the advances of other guys. She was not only independent but strong-willed as well. Little girls like that commoner couldn't possibly catch my attention. Only Senior Ahri could.

To avoid meeting that disgusting female along the way, I decided to go later than her. It was late at night before I reached the gate of the dungeon. The moment I went in, I sighed.

Great. Just another E-rank dungeon. What a waste of time.

I was about to turn and leave when I heard the sound of fighting nearby.


I quickly walked over to see the show. It was a girl fighting an E-rank wolf monster. She was one of that commoner girl's fanatic followers. What was her name again... I think it was Keira or something. Out of all the brain-dead followers, she was the dumbest of them all. She's batshit crazy, willing to do anything for that worthless trash. She even jumped to protect her from a wyvern's flames. She was just that crazy. Funnily enough, even though she was stupidly loyal to her, she couldn't use magic at all. She was one of the few disabled humans that was born with no mana veins. Those people were doomed to die in this dog-eat-dog world. And yet, she was dumb enough to come into a dungeon on her own.

As expected, she was already losing to a low-rank monster. In fact, she was on the verge of being eaten up.

"How weak," I remarked.

Surprisingly, that girl heard my voice and turned to look at me, "Then why not lend a fucking hand?!"

I snickered at her crude way of speaking but still didn't move a muscle, "And why should I? I don't recall it's my job to help you."

I didn't want to help her. She's just another one of those worthless women that would only screech for help from men. They should all just die. After all, they're a waste of oxygen. But what shocked me next was the fact that she didn't just lie down there waiting for me to save her. She just kicked the animal away and stood up. She seemed to be staring at something between her and the beast. She rushed forward with her hand still holding onto a dead branch. Instead of grabbing her sword on the ground, she went for a lighter.

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