Chapter 21 - I still want to teach Keira...

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Cain's POV
"Good luck," I mouthed to Keira.


I heard someone calling me and I looked over. It was my lieutenant, Amon.

"What's the matter, Amon?" I asked.

"General, why are you helping that useless human?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Are you referring to Keira?"

He nodded, "Yes. She's just a disabled human that can't do anything by herself. Not only is she useless, she's not even pretty. I heard that her face was disfigured. She's completely unworthy of even standing before us demons. You shouldn't have even taken her in as a student. It will only degrade us demons."

I was pretty annoyed at how this brat insulted my student in front of me. Isn't that the same as insulting me??? I have already known that out of all my lieutenants, Amon was the most power hungry. Back in the war, he would constantly go against my orders or argue with me. Even now, he was going against my instructions. I wanted to participate alone in this assessment since having 2 people participating together will make gathering points more inefficient. But he insisted on going as well. Probably because he wants to one-up me. It was pretty obvious from his face that he was never satisfied with me being the General. He must have felt that he was much better and suited to this position.

How dare he not know his place!

I sneered, "I don't remember needing to explain my actions to my lieutenant."

This bastard sensed my bad mood and shut up immediately.

I rolled my eyes, "She's my student. So you best watch your words. Anyway, you should be more concerned about how to get more points. If you drag me down, I won't let it slide."

With that, I walked away.

So fucking annoying. As expected, only Keira is not annoying to hang out with.

Just before we were about to be teleported away, I tapped Keira's shoulder, "Hey. When we get there, let's find each other first."

It's not that I don't trust her capabilities. I was worried that Keira might get ganged up by the other students. They were already very unsatisfied with her when she was much closer to Senior Ahri and I than they ever were. So they might use this opportunity to get back at her. I can't have my first student bullied like this, can I?

When I opened my eyes again, I was standing alone in an open field. There were many feral monsters roaming around the area. I stretched my arms.

Let's first get some points.

Within 10 mins, I managed to kill 5 B-grade monsters. I looked at my bronze plate. It showed a total score of 6. This meant that so far, I was the only one who did shit. That bastard hasn't even killed any monsters.

Fucking deadweight!

Suddenly, a flaming projectile flew straight towards me. I quickly dodged to the side.


I looked up to see Amon.


"What is the meaning of this, Amon?!"

That bastard only sneered, "Isn't it obvious? Mutiny. You have been in this position for far too long, Cain. Only a traitor like you would associate yourself with useless humans. You don't deserve to be the General."

"And you do? I don't remember you doing much to contribute to the war. If I'm not wrong, weren't you rescued from the jaws of death by Kaizer?" I countered.

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