Chapter 27 - I swear I will become rich!

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Keira's POV
Tap! Tap! Tap!

I was sprinting along a walkway, desperately trying to reach the orphanage. I could hear the loud and nerve-racking chasing footsteps behind me.


Over in the distance, I spotted the looming orphanage building. Even though I hated that bloody place to my core, at this very moment, it was like a godsend sanctuary. I was just a few metres away from the front gate. Few metres away from safety.

Just a little more!

Suddenly, the back of my shirt was yanked back by the bastard Dylan, "Where do you think you're running, FREAK?!"

He punched me in the gut and I immediately collapsed to the ground, groaning in pain. The punch was so hard that I nearly vomited out my entire gut. By this time, the rest of his shitty cronies had also caught up with me and they started kicking me relentlessly. Some of these fuckers even kicked me in the head which gave me a slight concussion. Everything in my vision was spinning and blurry. My body was screaming in pain as blows after blows rained on me. I could feel blood slowly trickling down my nose and forehead. I could smell the thick metallic scent of blood in the air.

I vaguely heard one of them jeering, "Stupid bitch! We only wanted you to lend us money to buy food! How dare you reject us!"

Like some rich-ass goons need to 'borrow' money to buy food!

"Since our dear classmate isn't generous, we have no choice but to teach you how to be kinder."


I was screeching at them in my head but in reality, I couldn't do anything. I could only lie on the ground, curling myself into a foetal position as these cowards continued to kick like no tomorrow. I couldn't do anything because of the excruciating pain plaguing my whole body. And even if I did, was there a point to it? They outnumbered me 5 to 1 so I couldn't possibly beat or outrun them. They also have rich parents to bail their asses out so I couldn't even report them to the fucking police. There was nothing I could do. No one would help me. I was bound to suffer alone in silence. Because I had nothing to my name. By this time, my consciousness was starting to fade. My body was so dulled by the pain that it alarmingly didn't hurt anymore.

Am I going to die like this... Just because I didn't sponsor some rich kids' lunch...

Maybe it wouldn't be that bad if I really did die. Maybe I could be reborn in a rich family. Then I wouldn't have to suffer this kind of shit. I wouldn't have to bow my head to these bastards. I gradually closed my eyes to embrace death.


I heard a familiar voice shouting at them. Those cowards immediately pulled up the hoods of their hoodies and ran away like some dogs. I weakly turned to look at the person. It was Arthur, our class chairman.

He quickly walked towards me and helped me up, "Are you okay, student?"

Ahhh... He doesn't even know my name...

He continued asking, "What's your name? I will bring you to the hospital."

"Keira..." I replied weakly.

When I talked, I couldn't help but wince as I felt a stabbing pain in my chest. It wasn't just talking. Even breathing became laborious. I couldn't breathe in deeply at all. I started coughing due to the lack of oxygen going into me.

Must have broken a rib...

Arthur nodded and quickly called someone on his phone. Within a few minutes, a sleek-looking black Bentley rolled by. Even with all the pain and wheezing, I couldn't help staring at the car in jealousy. I want to have such a car too... I want to be like him... I want to belong to a wealthy family... Not having to constantly worry about my next meal... Not having to listen to the screams of some old hag everyday... Having people to care about my existence... And especially, having warm parents that cared about my well-being... I wanted all of those. But just because I was born a poor unwanted bum, I could never have any of those.

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