Chapter 61 - Right... She's destined to marry that bastard...

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Keira's POV
The next few days pass by in the blink of an eye. All thanks to the new mana veins created by Etherion, I was finally able to use magic. During each game, Cain focused on teaching me how to regulate my magic so that I don't spontaneously combust from using too much mana at once. Meanwhile, Akali taught me the different ways to use Etherion since it was essentially a liquid in its primal form, something that's in her field of expertise.

While those two were teaching me how to use my new-found powers, Kai'Sa was helping me in the PR department. I mean, even if my face was healed, I still had a crappy self-image. Whenever others stared at me in what Kai'Sa termed to be 'looks of attraction', all I could think of was that they were talking behind my back. Whispering shit about me. Judging me. And I can't stand that! I don't want people to forget my existence, but I definitely don't want all these unappreciated attention. It's giving me anxiety. I would much rather they don't look at me. Which was the exact opposite of wanting people to remember me. But I'm just a weirdo in that way. In order to fend off these scary people, I learnt to always stick to my friends like glue. It was especially effective when it came to Senior Ahri. One look from her murderous eyes was all it took to make them avoid me like a plague.

But the most problematic one was Liar. She has been trying her dadgum best to tattle on me. Like the annoying bitch she was, she wanted to prove to everyone that I'm not the real Keira Amos. She would stop me in the middle of nowhere and ask me silly questions in public. But who was she to interrogate me??? She's not my mom! Neither was she the police! All I did was roll my eyes and tell her to shut up. Then cue the crying and screeching performances by that Oscar wannabe. Honestly, I was a little shocked that she actually remembered a cannon fodder's face. I thought this fake Princess only cared about herself. A pity I'm not the real Keira Amos, so I didn't feel all that touched. All I could think of was that I needed to find a way to shut this rat up. Permanently. Fortunately, I didn't have to melt her mouth into one piece. After the little murder incident, nobody has been treating her seriously. Once bitten, twice shy, I guess. No one knows whether anything that came out of this bitch's mouth was real or just another one of her many lies. The addition of my friends' support also meant that no person with working brains would trust Liar. Even her little soon-to-be ex-boyfriend didn't believe her at all. Which was good. It's all going to plan. It would only be a matter of time before everyone turned their backs on her for Senior Ahri.

Speaking of Senior Ahri, she has also been much more touchy-feely than usual. She especially loves to hug me and kiss my smooth cheeks, poking and prodding them for hours on end. I was surprised she really liked my real appearance. I thought she might initially be a little iffy about this new Keira. The one from Earth. But it seemed like my real looks had been well-received by this Princess. Aside from her occasional perverted attacks, I was more than happy to let her hug me. It meant that she liked Keira much more than Keira Amos. I was a lot more special to her than the original owner of this body. It was another one of my rare victories over this novel's cannon fodder.

However, it was also because I didn't look like a freak anymore, Senior Ahri has been bringing me out to shop after every game. I couldn't use the 'I'm hideous so no need to put flowers to decorate a pile of shit' excuse to weasel my way out of her torture anymore. I thought Cain would have helped me reason with this Princess but that traitor sold me out. He was siding with Senior, saying that I needed to get new clothes that weren't t-shirts and sweatpants (How dare they throw shade at t-shirt and sweatpants!). It seemed like after I looked like a normal person, everyone has been mercilessly throwing me to the wolves (or fox, in this case), including the ninja. She was tagging along, constantly supplying new fashion ideas as if I'm not currently dying from trying out the mountain of clothes Senior and Cain picked out. By the end of each trip, my limbs were all sore from walking and trying out so many clothes. Well, looking on the bright side, at least they were all three-figured price tags... So if worst comes to worst and I'm back to living on the streets, I could always sell those. Another good thing was that I don't have to carry any of that stuff! It would have straight up crushed me! Instead, Senior kept them in her interspatial ring.

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