Chapter 4 - I refuse to die like this!

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Keira's POV
I could hear the faint sound of someone shouting. No, not shouting. Some woman was full-on screaming like a champ.

What's with all these people? Can't they talk normally???

I slowly opened my eyes, only to be greeted with a wonky vision due to the unneeded glasses on my face. The air was chilly, filled with the suffocating smell of cigarettes. I couldn't help but shiver in my thin clothes. The first thing I noticed was the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. And a sticky sensation flowing down the side of my head. The moment I tried to touch my forehead with my left hand, I hissed in pain. There was a burning sensation on my entire face and left hand. And it wasn't any ordinary pain either. It's like my skin has been completely ripped off.

What the fuck???

I used my other hand to support myself. Oh, and to top it all off, there's also an aching pain at my stomach area. Yeah. Not a very fun transmigration experience. After my head stopped spinning, I then noticed a man and woman glaring at me. The pot-bellied man's head was balding while the woman had streaks of grey colour in her hair, her face covered in wrinkles. Both of them stunk of beer.

The man started shouting at me, "Bitch, you finally decided to stop playing dead, huh?! Took you long enough! Why are you so useless?! All I asked of you was to earn some money and what did you come back with?! Nothing but peanuts! How am I supposed to gamble with this, huh?! Use your fucking brain, you freak!"

As if one banshee wasn't enough, the other woman joined in on the screaming as well, "You're a fucking deadweight! If only we didn't have a useless daughter like you!"

Wait, did they say daughter???

I looked around me. The house was cold and damp, the air filled with a musty smell and the stink of beer. Paint was peeling everywhere and there were numerous cracks on the walls of the entire house. Droplets of water were even falling through the gaps in the ceiling.

Are you fucking kidding me?!

I came from a dirt-poor life just to end up in an even shittier hellhole??? This whole place stunk of poverty. It was even poorer than the fucking orphanage!!! At least that godforsaken place didn't have leaking roofs! And now, I also have two useless parents that were both drunks and gambling addicts.

I massaged my temples in annoyance. Couldn't that fucking god at least put me in a better family??? At this rate, I might die of hunger before I even meet the main characters of the story!

Anyway, what's with all these bandages on my hand???

These noisy cockroaches were really getting on my nerves so I snarled, "Shut up."

The man screeched even louder, "How dare you, bitch! I'm your father so show some fucking respect!"

I slowly got up and sneered, "If you want to be my father, then start acting like one. If you can't even properly take care of your own daughter, you don't deserve to be one!"

At my provocation, the bastard's nose flared up in anger and he rushed towards me with his fist raised. Luckily, in the four years of being harassed by Dylan and his cronies, I have learnt the art of dodging fists. I was basically a master at evading punches. I quickly ducked to the side. The man couldn't stop in time and crashed to the ground, groaning away.

With this pig's speed, he ain't gonna be hitting anyone!

The man pointed at me with a shaky finger, his face quite literally looking like he's about to die of stroke, "Y-You unfilial daughter! You dare to hurt your own father! I really took care of a white-eyed wolf! Get out! I fucking disown you!"

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