Chapter 55 - What am I to you?

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Keira's POV
Later that night.

I was sitting on the sofa, waiting for Senior to finish bathing. A few minutes later, she came out with her hair dripping wet. Before I could go to the hair-drying station for my nightly duty, Senior Ahri just walked past me and picked up the hairdryer. My eyeballs nearly rolled out of their sockets as I stared at the Disney Princess blow-drying her own hair. Ever since I offered to dry her hair on our first night lesson, she had been giving me this 'sacred' duty at every opportunity she could. At this point, it has sort of become part of our routine. Senior would bathe first, I would then dry her hair before washing up. This was the first time that fox lady had picked up the hairdryer in a looong time. During the whole process, she didn't spare me a single glance. She was silent all the way through.

Her poker face was really nerve-racking so I tried to offer my service, "Ummm... Do you need me to dry your—"

"No need."

Crap. I think I piss her off...

I don't know why she's mad at me and at this point, I'm too afraid to ask. It's not like she would say when her head was probably filled with creative torture methods to try on me. Like the brave warrior I am, I rushed into the toilet to hide.

Let her cool down first. I will ask her when I'm out.

But she didn't cool down. When I came out of the bathroom, she was lying sideways on the bed with her back facing me, being awfully quiet.


I hurriedly dried my hair and got on the bed. There was silence. I was sitting there at a loss, staring at her back, hoping that this Princess would talk to me. But she refused to even look at me, much less speak to me.

I nervously fidgeted my fingers and asked, "Senior, are you mad at me?"


... I'm not blind, Sister!

I tried the same old pestering tactic, "Sister, why are you mad at me? Tell me. I will change. Sisterrr. Don't ignore me. Sister is such a kind and generous person. You wouldn't be angry at me forever, right?"

But she WAS angry with me. At this rate, if I don't manage to get her to forgive me for whatever heinous crime I did or did not do, she would never talk to me!

I tried to look at her face on the other side but her tails lightly flicked my face, preventing me from crossing the line. She wouldn't even let me pat her head. Her formidable tails would just slap my hand away.

It has been so long since Senior Ahri last spoke to me. It's already been 8 hours! I have never gone that long without talking to her before. I mean, I used to not have this problem at all. I was a loner, so of course I would be fine being silent for the whole day. But ever since I started sleeping in her room every day, I've grown used to having someone to talk to whenever I wanted. I've become spoiled. It's like having someone give you your favourite toy, only for them to rip it out of your hands the very next day. This was me right now. I've long been used to the luxury of having company so now that I'm given the cold shoulders, I couldn't stand it anymore. Especially not when it's Senior. I just can't. Not her. The thought of her forever ignoring me and hating me was enough to send me into a panic.

Fortunately, before my anxiety spiralled out of control, I suddenly thought of a brilliant idea.

Wait a minute! I can do that!

I mustered all the courage in my heart and pounced on her, hugging her from the back. I started kissing her cheeks like no tomorrow. And no, I'm not a pervert! Get your head out of the gutter! I just thought that since Senior likes doing this to me, it means she's a tactile person. She likes to cuddle with other people. And she definitely likes to be touched (in a PG13 kind of way, not R21!). So of course I'm gonna do just that. Her ears perked up and I took it as a sign to keep going. I nuzzled against her silky hair, my hands playing with her slender fingers.

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