Chapter 17 - It was like she didn't even come from here...

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Ahri's POV
When I reminded Keira to come up to my room at 8pm, I was actually quite upset when she didn't want to. It was clear that she was afraid of me after seeing me kill that scumbag. She didn't want to have anything to do with me. The worst part of it all was that I didn't even expect myself to feel that hurt because of it. I didn't know why I even expected that much from her. I have always known that besides Kaizer, all humans would just end up running away from me the moment they realised that I was a monster capable of hurting them. But I naively thought that just because Keira seemed different, she would also be like Kaizer. She would also be able to accept me for who I was.

How gullible.

In the end, she's just like all the other humans. She would never accept a monster like me. I asked her if she was afraid of me, dreading to hear her answer. Surprisingly, instead of saying yes and asking me to leave her alone, she ended up complimenting me even more.


I was half expecting her to run away screaming, but she ended up doing the exact opposite. I couldn't quite grasp her thinking at all. She was all over the place. She would always do things outside of my expectations. I could feel my heavy heart lightening up. My bad mood was becoming much better too. Especially after she said that I was pretty and that everyone would be dying to be by my side. It may be just a shamelessly exaggerated compliment but it still meant a lot to me. Besides Kaizer, no one has ever said that to me.

I really hope so too...

I reminded her of our meeting again and she immediately agreed while calling me 'ma'am'. It was really adorable seeing her acting so strange. When I returned back to my room, I decided to take a hot bath. After filling the bathtub with warm water, I slid into it and just lay in it, thinking about today's event. It was much more enjoyable than I thought it would be. Keira was really interesting. Whether it be her unpredictable actions or her bootlicking tendency, there was never a dull moment with her. I realised that I had been smiling a lot when I was spending time with her. It reminded me of the time spent with Kaizer. Back then, I was always happy and would also smile a lot too. But after he died, I gradually stopped smiling. I couldn't make myself smile. There was nothing to be happy about. He was my everything. So when he's gone, I naturally lost all my happy emotions. But somehow, it managed to come back when I spent time with Keira. The thought of her made my heart beat rapidly.

How strange...

After 30 mins, I walked out of the bathtub and dried my body. I wrapped myself in a night robe before laying down lazily on the couch. I didn't feel like drying my hair. Anyway, I also wondered what her reaction would be when she saw me in this state. I chuckled as her shocked reaction came up in my mind. I didn't even notice my thoughts were all on Keira before I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door. It was the girl herself. She was wearing full-black as usual. When she saw me, she froze.

I smiled at her reaction and asked, "Like what you see?"

She didn't answer and just asked, "Can I come in?"

Naturally, I stepped aside to let her in. Even though Keira's voice was muffled by the mask, I could still tell that her voice was a little higher pitch than usual. She was nervous. I chuckled at her innocent reaction.

If only I could see her blushing face...

As usual, she continued to surprise me. She suddenly asked me to dry my hair. I was really amused by her. After all, I didn't expect her to care about the well-being of a monster she was terrified of. I threw a little fit, refusing to blow-dry my hair. I wanted to see her reaction. Anyway, I wasn't exactly lying when I said I was too tired to dry my hair. She just walked towards my desk to plug in the hair dryer. She even pulled out the chair for me to sit. It was the first time she treated me that courteously so of course I happily walked towards her and sat down. She switched on the hair dryer and started blow-drying my hair. She was really gentle as her fingers glided through my hair. Her actions suddenly reminded me of Kaizer...

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