Chapter 62 - You're the centre of my universe.

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Ahri's POV
After that little agreement with Keira, I went to find the human Crown Prince in the afternoon. It has been a while since I last spoke to him. Our last talk was me threatening to tear his head off if he dares to bother Keira. And this time, my objective still remained the same.

When he saw me, his eyes lit up, "What's the matter, Ahri? Did someone bother you? I—"

I cut his annoying voice off, "When Keira comes to you in the evening asking if you want to be my partner for the upcoming ball, say no."

He instantly frowned, "But why??? I want to—"

"Because Keira will be my partner."

His ugly face distorted and he continued to argue incessantly, "BUT SHE'S A GIRL!!! And a useless commoner at that! She's not worthy of—"

The trash immediately stopped his ramblings when he saw a blue flame flickering dangerously on my opened palm. I was smiling at him, but my gaze wasn't all that friendly.


While controlling the urge to melt a hole through his head, I hissed, "Have you forgotten, Crown Prince? I thought I said not to insult her in front of me? Do you think it's a joke?"

His face went pale and he stuttered, "B-But if other p-people see you going with her, they will spread rumours about y-you. I'm just w-worried. It's not worth it to do all that for—"

"Yes, it is. If you can't already tell, I like her."

His jaw dropped as he looked at me in disbelief but I continued to say in a deadpan voice, "So I don't care if other people don't accept this relationship. At most, I will just kill them off."

I didn't feel like talking with this human waste for too long. I'm scared his stupidity would rub off on me.

While walking towards him, I kindly reminded him again, "Remember, say no to Keira. Otherwise..."

I pressed my flaming index finger against his sternum, slightly scorching through the thick fabric, "I don't mind eating your soul. I've always wondered what a crown prince would taste like."

The coward went pale and frantically nodded like a good dog. With that out of the way, I walked away from this dreadful place while wiping my hands with a tissue.

Now all I have to do is wait for my little deer to submit to me~

And submit to me she did, although she did complain and acted all skittish during the whole process. She was especially resistant when I wanted her to wear the women's kimono. Which was really a pity since I think she would look extra sultry and seductive with her new looks. Unfortunately, I had to give in a little and let this disobedient deer have her way. Otherwise, she might not enjoy the full party experience. But at least she's still willing to wear couple outfits with me~

Papa and Mama were also extremely excited when they saw Keira's new appearance. Especially Mama. She was hovering around her, acting as if she was her new-found daughter (which she's soon going to be!). Fortunately, Keira wasn't put off by Mama's motherly tendencies. In fact, she was really happy when Mama cared so much about her. I guess she did kind of miss out on familial love, seeing as how pathetic her parents were. But let's not talk about those worthless humans. During the remaining week, I made sure to hire all the well-known artisans to custom-make our outfits. After all, I want the both of us to stand out. I want people to know that she's mine. That if they dare to touch her, I would skin them alive!

After a week of hard work, the outfits were finally done. I intentionally designed mine to be a little bare and spicy, just to see Keira's cute little reaction. Once I got myself all sexy and ready, I walked out to get my baby deer's feedback. But what I saw nearly made my heart stop instead. She was standing there looking all dashing, her white robe flared out behind her like a beautiful nine-tailed fox. The body-hugging outfit highlighted her slim and tall stature. Just like my outfit, hers have the same colour theme of blue and white, with a tinge of her favourite black colour incorporated into the design. Her raven-black hair was a stark contrast to the pure-white robe. But what's most beautiful was her eyes. Her pretty violet eyes. They were so alluring to the soul, making it hard to look away from the perfect person in front of me. I wanted to use this chance to seduce her. But it ended up with me being enamoured instead. Not that I mind. Since my heart has long been captured by this bandit.

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