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Lucifer's POV


I was panting heavily, glaring at the broken glass pieces on the ground.

"What's wrong, Your Highness?" one of my attendants hurriedly asked.

I proceeded to flip the table in a fit of rage, "GET OUT! ALL OF YOU GET OUT!!!"

All those fucking pests frantically nodded and left.

Why... Why are those detestable eyes always appearing in front of me?!

When I saw the familiar hateful eyes on that worm, I felt my whole world collapse. Those eyes... Those disgusting eyes were the same as that Amana trash! Why won't he die?! Why must he keep appearing in front of me like a fucking cockroach?! Everything was his fault! He's the reason why everyone kept disrespecting me! He's the reason why Ahri refused to accept me! It's his fault! IT'S ALL HIS FAULT!!!

I could still clearly remember the way my peasant subjects look at me. Their repulsive stares that swept me up and down. The way they disrespect my authority. The way they looked at that Amana bastard with 'admiration' in their eyes. Just because he helped us a little, they were willing to throw away our demons' pride and pander to some disabled human trash! They forgot about the very fact that he's just a worthless bastard who can't use magic! He's not even the one who did the most shit! I was the one who contributed the most! I was the one who gave him orders! Without my permission, that trash would have never had the chance to even do whatever he did during the war! He should have realised his fucking place and be grateful to me for allowing him to even perform. And yet, this WORM refused to respect me. Always going against my orders. Rebuking my words in public. He wanted me to lose face in front of everyone! How dare he look down on me! He's nothing but a useless trash that has no authority! And yet, just because a useless foot soldier like him went to the battlefield, everyone thought that he was the fucking hero. All of them even started comparing that trash to me. A freaking Crown Prince! They dare to complain that I didn't personally participate in the war. How dare they! I'm a monarch! How could a monarch act as a lowly foot soldier?! I'm the most important person in the war! How could I risk myself out there?! Without me, this whole war would have been long gone. I should be staying in the main camp, where everyone's protecting me. Not out there risking my life! That should be the job of peasants. It's their honour to die for their King!

But just because I was more far-sighted than all these buffoons, everyone thought that human garbage was the one who contributed the most during the war. How dare they! I'm the one who did everything! All that Amana did was provide some minuscule information and join the war like a fucking foot soldier that he was! His nothing but a dispensable chess piece! But those imbecile peasants started singing praises about his 'bravery' and 'exploits'. Even Father liked him a lot. It's because of him that my brilliance was overshadowed. That trash must have brainwashed everyone! Because of his sly tactics, Father even joked about giving him the Crown Prince position! MY Crown Prince position! It's not his! It would NEVER be his! It's mine! I was born noble! I was born to be a King! How dare this stupid peasant try to steal my crown!

Not only was he unaware of his fucking place, he even started getting close to my Ahri. I have always liked Ahri ever since we were young. When I first met Ahri back when I was 1, I already knew in my heart that she was the one for me. She was the very definition of what a beautiful woman was. Only she has the right to stand next to me! Only she has the right to be my wife! But whenever I tried to talk to her, she would always ignore me. She would refuse to play with me. Refuse to go out with me. She even refused to spare me a glance! But even so, I never gave up. Because I knew Ahri was destined to be mine. She might be cold to me, but I know deep down in my heart that she actually cares about me. She was only sharp-tongued and headstrong. I thought that with time, the ice between us would soon thaw and she would warm up to me. But it never did. Not when that Amana bastard came along. Ever since that trash suddenly appeared in front of us from out of nowhere, it was like Ahri's entire soul was gone. She was bewitched. Constantly looking in his direction! Everywhere he went, she would follow. She kept leaving the demon realm just to visit his shabby hut! What's there to like about him?! He's not rich. He's not powerful. He's not noble. He's not even half as good-looking as me!  He was just a useless trash that doesn't know his freaking place! I have known Ahri far longer than he did, but she would always find him on her own accord while refusing to even look at me! Bewitched! That bastard must have bewitched her! He must have confused her. That's why she's refusing to look at me!

I wanted to kill that guy but Ahri would always go against me! She would always protect that bug. Always defying my orders for him! Seeing that she's momentarily confused by him, I gave her the benefit of the doubt. I tried to secretly get rid of him instead. But she even got Cain, my OWN right-hand man, to set up an enchantment barrier around his home! Cain was supposed to be at my beck and call. Listening to my orders faithfully. He's my dog! And yet, that treacherous mutt listened to that trash over me! He must have brainwashed him into listening to his orders!

I saw how that worm affected everyone beside me. I saw how everyone changed because of him. I grew even more suspicious of him when he was somehow able to MAGICALLY get so much intel about the human's movements. He must be in cahoots with them! He wanted to blend into our ranks and stir up trouble from within. So I tried to warn Father about him. But even my own father refused to trust me! He put far too much faith and trust in a worthless human! Every time that trash spoke out of order, he would merely laugh. He never punished him for disrespecting his authority. During strategy meetings, he would always ask for his opinions instead of mine. He would always discuss vital military tactics with an outsider like him. He would always delegate important military positions to him. He would always praise his 'achievements' in front of our own people. He even planned to bestow a noble title to him after the war ended! I didn't understand why Father have no faith in me, his own fucking son! Whatever that human bug could do, I could do it better! I could provide more useful ideas and strategies. I could command troops far better than he could. But he would never think of me first. It's always that trash!

I couldn't stand it. I couldn't understand it. I was born noble. I was born to be a leader. And yet, everything changed when that bastard came along! Everyone started turning against me. It started from our people. Then it moved to Cain. Before moving to my Ahri. And finally, even my father changed. No one would listen to me. It's always Kaizer this, Kaizer that. I had enough of him! I wanted him gone!

Fortunately, the heavens seemed to have heard my prayers. After the war ended, a sudden flash of lightning striked that fucking bastard, killing him instantly. While everyone mourned his death, I was the only one who was happy that the cockroach was finally dead. He has brainwashed my people for far too long. Even God wanted him dead! With him gone, I was hoping that everything would return back to what they once were. Everyone would only notice me. They would only sing my praises. They would only obey my words. The Crown Prince position would finally be mine. Ahri would finally look in my way. But even when he's gone, nothing has changed! Those fucking peasants were still talking about his military exploits. I was so sick and tired of dealing with a bunch of brainwashed puppets that I tried to silence them to serve as a warning to others. But even then, they still continued to talk about him! Even Ahri continued to resist me. She would always look at me coldly, refusing to talk to me, refusing to be next to me. She would never show me her smiling face, like how she would always show it to that bug!

Then suddenly, that worthless human girl appeared in front of my Ahri. She was like that Amana bug, a disabled human who can't use magic. But even she was able to attract my Ahri's attention. My Ahri would constantly protect her in front of me. Constantly look at her with those kind soft eyes. The kind of eyes she would never show to me! She refused to show me those caring eyes. But she was willing to show it to that disabled trash! She's not worthy! Trash like her should always be beneath me! I knew Ahri for all 18 years of her life and yet, she has never once warmed up to me! She was always cold to me. But Ahri, who only knew that worm for a little more than 2 months, was more friendly to her than she ever was to me! Even Cain went against me in public for her! She was like that Amana bastard, taking away everything from me!

When I realised that she has the same goddamn eyes as that Amana trash, I panicked. I could vaguely see the silhouette of that dead bastard standing there, mocking me, insinuating that he would always be better than me. He was taunting me, laughing that I would never be able to surpass him. THAT TRASH! THAT FUCKING TRASH REFUSED TO STAY DEAD! Even when he's physically gone, he would always find some way to come back and haunt me. He would always continue to outshine me. No one would ever recognise my brilliance! I would forever be in his shadow! I would lose everything again! I can't have that! I can't! He needs to die! She needs to die! Everyone who goes against me needs to die! That girl... That trash needs to go! I want her gone!

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