Chapter 60 - Keira's mine!

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Ahri's POV
While watching Keira leave through the teleportation array, Eve walked over and patted my shoulder, "Relax, Ahri. Nothing will happen."

I looked at her in doubt. Sometimes, when Eve wasn't being all touchy with my people, she's actually a good friend to have. She's able to understand others' emotions from just a glance. But she doesn't get all nosy in other people's business. She would only subtly comfort others in her own way which was way more soothing than some alpha male getting all up and personal in your face.

I sighed, "I don't know, Eve. I have a bad feeling something's going to go wrong."

Ever since we were in the arena, my eyelid has been twitching non-stop. I could feel a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Something was going to happen. I know it. If possible, I would have preferred Keira to withdraw from the competition. It isn't worth it to die for some fame. But I knew it was unreasonable of me to request that from her. So I was actually a little glad when Akali volunteered to keep an eye on her. She might be a competitor, but she still cared a lot about Keira's safety. I wasn't really concerned about our rivalry. Now was not the time to be petty about these little things. Keira's life matters more. So I'm willing to enlist all the help I could get.

I felt Eve squeeze my shoulder, "You worry too much, foxy. She's not a baby. She can keep herself safe. Besides, the others will also keep an eye out for her."

I nodded half-heartedly. Both of us walked towards the glowing portal before being transported to a castle-style dungeon. I looked around us. The entire place was dimly-lit by a few torches, casting gloomy shadows on the ground. Moss-covered stone lined the walls. Steel bars barricaded tiny rooms that had nothing but a thin straw mat and a bowl of nasty-looking water that has probably been left here for decades. But what's unbearable about this whole place was the smell. Thick stench of blood and rotten flesh filled the room. There were also questionable reddish stains on the walls and shackles.

My nose scrunched up when I smelled the revolting odour in the air. This was one of the few times when I hated having heightened senses. Meanwhile, at the side, Eve was staring at all the torture equipment with interest. She was right in her element here. You could practically sense the excitement in her as she examined the deadly spikes in an iron maiden.

I rolled my eyes, "Eve, stop being distracted. Let's get this over and done with. This place stinks."

She looked up at me, "Really? I thought it seemed interesting."

I walked towards a rusty iron door, "Only you would like this dumpster. Staring at that thing isn't going to give you pain. If you want to drown yourself in suffering, you can do that with the monsters here."

"I suppose that's true," she replied, reluctantly stepping away from that gross box.

I raised my leg and kicked the iron door, causing a dent right dead centre of it. It fell down to the stone ground with a loud thud, kicking up a bunch of dust. The noise echoed loudly throughout the spiral stairway, likely alerting the inhabitants of this castle. Not that I care since they're probably some weaklings anyway. I began walking up the narrow staircase. As usual, the succubus at the back couldn't stand not talking for a few minutes.

"Ahri, can I ask you a question?"


But this woman continued to ask anyway, "Do you like Keira or Kaizer?"

And her very first question already hit a touchy subject. Eve has always been like this. Maybe this was some side effect of always gorging herself with other people's pain and depression like a pervert. It has made her very sensitive to emotions. She has an extremely high tendency to guess other people's sore spots. Call it a woman's intuition or whatnot, but her gut feeling was annoyingly accurate every single time. Makes it hard to hide things from her.

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