Chapter 1 - If I was her, I would've left that pathetic man already!

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Keira's POV
"Wake up, you lazy girl!"

I heard the faint sound of some demented old hag screeching away. I squeezed an eye open and glanced towards the window. It's still dark outside. And probably cold.


So fucking irritating.

I groggily sat up, feeling like a truck has just run me over and back again. Ms Wicker was standing at the door with her hands on her hip. Honestly, it's kinda hard to take her seriously with that tacky pink shirt dress. It made her look like a hippo. A saggy and overgrown hippo. But I'm not going to say that. Not unless I'm looking forward to having my ears blasted early in the morning.

She hissed, "You're not only ugly but a lazy bitch! No wonder no one wanted to adopt you!"

I don't need anyone to adopt me!

"Hurry up and clean the house. If you're not done with the work, there would be no breakfast for you!"

Who is this mother trucker lying to??? It's not like she will give me food even after I'm done!

After she finished spewing out shit, she turned and left. Of course, I gave her the glorious middle finger when she had her back towards me. But no matter how unwilling I was, I could only suck it up and begrudgingly do the stupid chores. Unless I desire to be homeless, it's best to not get under this bitch's skin.

You wanna know the funny part? While she's there yelling at my case for not getting up at some ungodly hour (5am, mind you!), the other kids living in the building were still sleeping like dead pigs. The duplicity. The irony. I was the only one relegated to shit-labour duty since no one wanted to adopt me. They must have gotten sick of my existence. As if I don't also find their presence annoying as hell. I've been stuck here for as long as I could remember. Rumours said that I was left at the doorstep as an infant. Hungry, alone, and dying. Then again, there's also something about me being the devil's incarnate so I would take their rubbish with a pinch of salt. I don't know who or where my parents were and truth be told, I couldn't give a damn since they're probably just some garbage adults that weren't responsible enough to take care of the kid they produced.

In the beginning, I wasn't this hated but as the years went by and other kids started being adopted one by one, I was the only one who still remained at the orphanage. The only child unwanted by anyone. And I wasn't a problematic kid, mind you. I didn't have temper issues. I didn't create trouble or anything. It's just because I refused to act cute in front of the adults like the rest. Instead of happily smiling away like some imbecile, I would always have a deadpan expression on my face. It's not really my fault since you're basically demanding me to pretend to be happy when there's nothing to giggle about. Life's just sad and depressing. Unlike the other kids who looked all pretty and beautiful, I was mediocre. With a face that could blend into the sea of unmemorable faces. But what scared most of the potential adopters away were my violet eyes. And the fear that it was some kind of curse or infectious disease. This colour wasn't normal and frankly speaking, it's kinda creepy, especially when you see a pair of floating purple eyes looking at you in the darkness.

These damn violet eyes was the reason behind half of my misery. The other brats in the orphanage excluded me from their cliques. Always whispering shit behind my back like a pussy instead of saying it in my face. When I walked on the streets, people would stare at me for uncomfortably long periods of time. Like I'm a circus freak show. Even those adopters were the same. They might be praised as saints for being willing to spend money to save less fortunate children, but in reality, they're just a bunch of hypocritical scums that also chose us orphans like how you'd choose the best looking fruit in a supermarket. They only picked the good-looking ones. Just because I wasn't up to their beauty standards. Just because I was different from them, I was cruelly rejected like a bad apple.

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