Chapter 37 - Keira... I want to see her...

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Ahri's POV
I was in my fox form, running along the familiar pathway in the dense forest, towards the hut by the riverside. Towards Kaizer. After a couple of minutes, I finally reached his home. I hopped into the house through the open window and morphed back into my naked human form.

"Princess! Where's your clothes?!"

I heard Kaizer's slightly high-pitched voice and looked up to see the man covering his eyes. I couldn't help but smirk.

Kaizer has always been this shy. Even if he has looks that would make most women swoon, even if he was known as the cold-blooded schemer, he would still act like an innocent little boy in front of me. But that's good. It meant that he still viewed me as a potential partner. As a woman. And that's what I want.

I snickered and purposely stood up from the floor, "Like what you see? If you like it, I don't mind appearing like this more often~"

Kaizer immediately covered his reddened face and squeaked, "W-Who says?! I'm not a pervert! Wear your clothes, please!"

Hehehe. I guess I will cut him some slack for now.

I took out my clothes from my interspatial ring and began slowly changing in front of him.

He turned around while asking, "Anyway, what's the problem? Why the sudden visit? Did anyone bully you? Tell me. I will beat them up."

I laughed, "Who can bully this great Kumiho? If they dare to annoy me, I will kill them."

After I finished changing, I walked towards him and pulled his hand, "Come. The peach blossoms back in my home have bloomed. I will bring you to see them."

Without waiting for his answer, I cast a teleportation array, instantly transporting us to the peach blossom orchard. I noticed Kaizer looking around us in amazement. His beautiful violet eyes sparkled as he was staring wide-mouthed at the peach blossoms around us.

I asked hopefully, "Do you like it?"

"Y-Yeah. It's so pretty... I like it a lot!"

I giggled, "That's good. Come, let's go for a little walk."

I held his hand and started walking forward. My heart was beating rapidly. I was nervous. I didn't know if Kaizer would let me do this to him. I mean, he had never rejected me before. He always went along with whatever I wanted. But that doesn't mean I'm confident that he wouldn't reject me this time. Fortunately, Kaizer didn't say anything else and just walked alongside me. He didn't pull away his hand from mine either. I secretly breathe a sigh of relief. Just like this, we walked hand in hand, looking at the peach blossoms around us. But he's the only one enjoying the scenery. I was just staring at him.

He's currently 15. I have known him for 10 years now. Over the years, his cute appearance has gradually changed to a handsome one. His short fluffy raven-black hair glistened in the sunlight. The black hair was a stark contrast to his smooth porcelain skin. His perfectly chiselled jawline made him look really sexy. Not only did his face look like it was carved out by God himself, his body was also nicely toned in all the right areas. He was muscular but not too over the top. His tall and relatively slim stature definitely upped his sex appeal. But what's most beautiful about him was his eyes. His violet eyes were so mesmerising that you could get lost by just staring into them.

 His violet eyes were so mesmerising that you could get lost by just staring into them

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