Chapter 45 - Both the heroine and the 2nd male lead need to go.

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Keira's POV
Mr Lanore teleported us straight to the demon's Royal palace. The throne room was crowded like a fish market. Many professors and students were here. Even the human and demon Kings were present for the upcoming clown fiesta. Of course, the heroine and the 2nd male lead were here too. To my satisfaction, when we entered the room, the 2nd male lead immediately backed away to maintain a 1-metre distance from Senior. At least the demon King was honourable enough to uphold his words, unlike his son. They were glaring at me like I had just killed their parents or something. But before I could engage in some intense staring contest with them, they suddenly averted their eyes from me.


They looked like they had just seen a ghost. I turned back. There was only Senior Ahri behind me and no ghost. She noticed me looking at her and smiled. I hurriedly look away from her unsettling smiling face.

I guess they must be panicking.

Cain came up to me and greeted, "Morning, Keira. How are you feeling? Better?"

I nodded, "Morning. Yeah. I'm much better. Besides almost having a heart attack in the morning, I'm fine."

He chuckled and handed me 10 yellow roses as usual. I could feel an intense gaze on my back. I don't even need to look back to know who's the owner of this piercing gaze. I frantically put those flowers into my dimensional-space bag, hoping that the Disney Princess wouldn't explode.

Fortunately, the demon King saved me from this awkward situation, "There you are, Keira. Now, why don't we move on to the exciting part of this meeting?"

I nodded my head and said, "As you all know, I'm here to prove Senior Ahri's innocence."

I pointed to the group of managers standing nearby, "These are the managers of the shops we visited. They personally saw Senior right in front of them."

Before they could say anything, I added, "And just a fair warning, I suggest all of you to speak the truth. Otherwise, you will die."

Just as I thought, those backstabbers immediately turned on us.

One of them shouted, "What are you talking about?! You have never been in my shop before! You are lying—"

His lies were cut short by him coughing up blood before falling to the ground. He no longer moved. I looked at him amusedly.

What a clown.

Everyone was staring at the spectacle in horror while I laughed, "What's with the surprised Pikachu faces? Didn't I say to tell the truth? Do you think I'm joking?"

The heroine was sweating bullets at this point, "You murderer! What did you do to them?! Are you trying to force them to lie?"

I snorted, "If you don't know anything, just shut your mouth. Don't go spouting shit all the time."

Cain and Senior were giggling not-so-quietly as the heroine's face reddened in embarrassment.


I cut off the main male lead's same old alpha speech, "All of them are bound to something like a blood pact."

I then took out the contracts, "These use the concept of a blood pact. I merely changed some of the properties. All their handwritten words are on here. As long as they don't break the conditions written here, they will not die. Of course, my handwritten words are also on these papers. So if I lie, my heart will be instantly crushed as well. Just to prove my point, I will say it again. Senior Ahri didn't murder anyone. She was out shopping during the whole afternoon."

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