Chapter 30 - I will kill anyone who gets in my way.

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Keira's POV
I was walking along one of the corridors towards the cafeteria after 2 hours of magic theory lessons. Today, it was just me since Cain, the villainess and the 2nd male lead were called back to their domain by the Demon King for some official business and whatnot. Before they left, Cain has repeatedly reminded me not to create troubles while he was away and to just keep a low profile until he's back. I can't help but roll my eyes. Recently, Cain has suddenly turned into my nanny. He would always nag at me like I'm a child that can't do anything without him. Which was funny since he's the one acting like a child whenever he was arguing with the villainess. Cain said that they would be gone for 3 days max and today was the 2nd day already. But I have to admit, I did kinda miss his company. I mean, he's my only friend in this whole academy so once he's gone, there's nobody else for me to talk to. I was back to my lonesome self, with no one by my side. And honestly, it was a bit difficult to go back to being alone again after you get your first taste of friendship.

When I entered the cafeteria, I spotted the people that I least wanted to see. I saw Keira Amos's useless parents.

What the fuck are they doing here???!!!

They were standing beside a strange-looking old man. The old man had short white hair and wrinkles across his face. His body was abnormally thin and bony, and has a sickly yellow colour to it. But what was most freaky about him was his eyes. Now, I'm not a person who judges someone's eyes, especially when I also have disgusting eyes, but this man's eyes really take the cake for freakiness. One of his pupils was smaller than the other and his irises were of 2 different colours. One was yellow and the other was black. All in all, his appearance could be summed up into one word, mentally-insane. He gave me a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. I didn't like the vibes coming from this old man.

When Keira Amos's deadbeat parents saw me, their attitude suddenly did a 180 flip and they walked towards me to hug me, "There you are, my dear daughter. You really changed a lot in these past 2 months. We really miss you so much. How come you didn't visit home these past few weeks?"

I nearly vomited from the front row seat of this cringe-ass soap opera.

What the fuck???

I immediately pushed them away and sneered, "What's this? Finally decided to act as actual 'parents' after you realised you can't get free meals anymore? Well, apologies. But I don't feel like lugging a bunch of rubbish along. I'm not a garbage collector."

I could see the obvious fury in their eyes when they were being roasted in front of everyone, but they still refused to drop the 'good parents' act.

They feint a hurt expression and the woman even took out a tattered handkerchief to dab her obviously dry eyes, "How could you say that, Keira? It was just a moment of anger. We didn't really mean what we say. Do you know how hurt your mother feels when you say that?"

More and more students gathered around to watch the soap opera unfold, featuring the 2 clown adults and unfortunately, me as well. I could hear murmurs and discussions among the students.

"Are they her parents?"

"It seems like she's rude to them."

"Unbelievable! Not only is this woman a slut that only knows how to seduce others, she's also an unfilial brat???"

All of you don't have any rights to say this when you don't know shit!

"I can't believe Cain likes this kind of woman."

What do you mean 'Cain Iikes this kind of woman'??? If you can't use your eyes properly, just dig them out already. It's a waste on you!

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