Chapter 26 - Both of them must be the reason why everything is falling apart!

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Lily's POV
I stormed out of Cain's room in a huff. I was really upset when Cain accused me of not truly caring for him. I really wanted to save him but I was just too weak to do anything, okay?! If I were to really help him, nothing would have changed and I would have ended up dying too. He can't possibly expect me to show my care for him by dying with him, right??? That would have been dumb. Besides, how would I know that he didn't have his protection equipment??? Even if all of these were somehow my fault, I already visited him everyday just to express my regret. What more does he want???

As expected! Only the man with violet eyes truly cares about me!

Senior Asher patted my head soothingly, "It's okay, Lily. Cain is just an ungrateful bastard that doesn't even appreciate our little Lily's efforts. We should just forget about him. Anyway, Lily has me, right? I can protect you."

No! Cain was supposed to be one of my lovers!

I smiled lightly, "It's okay, Senior. Cain was probably just confused by the pain. I don't blame him. I will just come again after he's calmer."

Senior chuckled, "You're still just as kind as ever, Lily. You're too kind for your own good."

But over the next few days, whenever I came to visit Cain, his face would always be black all over and he would chase me out. I didn't understand.

How could he not forgive me after seeing my sincerity??? He's not supposed to be like this! He's supposed to love me unconditionally.

I tried to use visiting Keira as an excuse but he rejected that even quicker. I was utterly confused. How does he want me to show my sincerity if he won't even let me visit him? And why is he protecting that ugly commoner girl anyway??? She's useless! She only helped Cain because she had all those powerful equipment. If she didn't have that strange weapon. If she didn't have those protective gears given to her by Cain, she wouldn't have dared to risk her life! She would have run like a coward too! If I had those powerful tools, I would have immediately saved Cain! The more I thought about her, the more angry I got.

KEIRA! It must be her!

She must be the reason why Cain doesn't love me! She must be the reason why Cain deviated so much from the dream! She only made use of that weapon to get into Cain's good books! Unlike me, she's only doing this for Cain's wealth and status!

Why? Why is she going against me???

Just because I never thanked her for saving me? Just because I never visited her when she was injured? How dare she think of such blasphemy things! Since when does a heroine have to care about the well-being of her followers?! She should be the one pandering to my needs! It should be her honour and glory to sacrifice herself for me! Otherwise, what other use can a cannon fodder have??? In fact, she should repay me for letting her even follow me around. You've no idea how humiliating it was for me to have such a ugly girl as part of my entourage. Whenever people made snarky remarks about her, I could feel them mocking me behind my back as well. Mocking me for being stupid enough to let that girl into my entourage.

Keira must have done all these to snatch Cain away from me! Just because Cain was kind enough to help a disabled girl like her, she thinks she's special! She thinks she's important to Cain! She thinks she's better than me! How dare she! She can only be underneath me! How dare she touch someone that doesn't belong to her! How dare she try to seduce Cain! I remembered hearing people comment about her bravery when she 'saved' Cain. What do they mean by she's brave?! That's not being brave! That's called being stupid! She only did that because she had all those powerful equipment!

That slut! She's just another vixen like that Kumiho! Always trying to take away my boyfriends!

Not only did she mislead the crowd into thinking she's worth more than what she truly was, she even confused my Cain! A commoner like her doesn't deserve to be put in the limelight! Only I deserve everyone's attention! Only I deserve to ascend to the top of the food chain! Not her!

Both of them must be the reason why everything is falling apart!

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