Chapter 9 - Kaizer Amana

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Keira's POV
After that little fiasco, I was finally able to heave a sigh of relief. Thanks to the novel, I basically knew all the future plot events. So I could use that as leverage to be her partner. I mean, it was done at the expense of my dignity but at least it's still a step forward in my mission. When she asked if I meant to be her servant, I froze. I wanted to scream "NO!" in her face but I still bit back my words. What a fool I was to empathise with her! She doesn't need it! She doesn't deserve it! She's probably just another one of those entitled brats! I was too soft-hearted to think that maybe she didn't deserve to meet such a bad ending. I should have only cared about myself. Screw these bastards! I was cursing away in my head but in reality, I had to swallow my pride and lower my head in front of these snobs. If I wanted to have a chance at winning this stupid game, I needed to endure!

I gritted my teeth and managed to squeeze out a convincing voice, "Yes."

Calm down, Keira! It's only temporary. If I just hold on, endless wealth and power awaits me!

At least the villainess had the decency to honour her words. That's all that matters. After I got her consent, I left the field. I didn't want to suffer any more humiliation. While walking, I was busy thinking about the other two male leads. The person with black hair and grey eyes was most probably the human crown prince while the bastard that made things difficult for me should be the demon one. I didn't expect the plot to deviate so much. The demon prince was supposed to like the heroine but by how he referred to her, it seemed like he hates her too? Was he like the 3rd male lead, suddenly opened his third eye to see dumb the female lead was? I mean, I didn't really like the villainess, but she's definitely leagues better than that damsel!

And anyway, now that three male leads were accounted for, I could safely assume that the one who died was the 4th one, Kaizer Amana. The novel didn't really describe what he looked like. It just mentioned that he's a human who couldn't use any magic at all. He's like me, a person with no mana veins. But don't let this fool you into thinking that he's the weakest. He was by no means weak. Out of all the male leads, he's the most ruthless and scheming one. He's the kind who wouldn't hesitate to use others' dead bodies to get what he wanted. That's how cold-blooded he was. Because of this, he was the brains behind everything, creating countless problems for the villainess. He's also the one who incited her to murder Keira Amos, and later on, attempt to murder the heroine. He framed her and convicted her of many crimes, some she had never even committed. That snake was the one who put her on the death row. Those kinds of people are the worst to deal with. Because unlike men who only have brawn and no brains, scheming bastards are the hardest to predict.

Well, I'm glad he's gone. That's one big problem out of the way.

I heard the 3rd male lead chasing after me, "Keira! Wait up!"

After walking a safe distance away, I slowed down to let him catch up.

He was grinning away while elbowing me, "Wow~ I didn't think you're ambitious enough to go after the cold beauty. You even managed to partner up with her."

I laughed sarcastically, "Yay me. Now I became a slave in exchange for this princess's holy presence."

He laughed and patted me on the shoulder, "C'mon. Don't say it like that. I'm sure she's just joking."

I'm not so sure about that!

He continued, "Anyway, compared to other demons, she's relatively easy to get along with just so long as you don't touch her bottom line."

I didn't feel like dying so I asked, "What do you mean her 'bottom line'."

His face turned serious, "I mean do not ever try to flirt with her or say something bad about her childhood friend."

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