Chapter 66 - If only it didn't end like this...

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Keira's POV
After that little clown fiesta, everything spiralled into chaos. Especially on the side of the demons. When news of their cowardly Prince attempting to murder one of their war heroes and have her body stuffed reached the ears of the demons, they instantly went ham on him. They started rioting, threatening to break down the castle gates to drag that buster out. They were calling for this bum to be given the royal boot. Not only that, but also publicly executed. But before any of those juicy events could happen, I had to go through all the same old procedures of proving to everyone that these two lunatics were indeed lunatics.

I thought the demon King would have made things difficult for me to save his son, but I didn't even need to try and psycho him over to our side. The moment he heard the revolting things spewed out by his son, he immediately blew his top. He straight up started beating his son up in court, almost sending him to his grave. The Dukes had to hold him back from pummeling his wretched son right there and then. While he was still seething in anger, I took this opportunity to sell him on the idea of letting Senior be the Crown Princess instead. After all, it's not a question of whether he would strip his son of the Crown Prince title. It was going to happen. The better question was who's he going to hand over the reins to. The more I talked, the more he nodded as he looked at Senior thoughtfully.

"Oh, and she's also a person who knows how to fight in wars. With her popularity and prowess, she will definitely be a good candidate with proper training."

With that final push, the demon King bit onto my bait, hook, line, and sinker. He ordered people to wipe his worthless son's name off the registry and put Senior's one in it.

Before he called off this clown meeting, he stared at his son coldly and growled, "Hold a public execution. Behead this worthless thing."

The coward was screaming and crying for mercy but his cold-hearted father didn't even give him a second look as his guards dragged the man-child out of the room. Liar was sweating at the side, probably praying to God to get her out of this situation. Not that I was gonna let her. I have many creative ways to make sure that bastard can't intervene for her.

"Your Highness, you shouldn't kill that bitch."

He raised an eyebrow, "Oh. And why is that?"

Because if you do, it will activate the will of this world and kill all of you. Just like the 4th male lead.

"Because she has been going after Senior Ahri all this time. Death will be too quick and merciful for her. I want her to suffer and regret everything she did. For the rest of her life. So why not just imprison her forever instead? Like this, she will have ample time to reflect on her shitty life choices."

The demon King rubbed his chin with interest, "Interesting. I've never thought about it like this."

I grinned, "There's nothing worse than watching your enemy prosper while you're stuck in a dreary dungeon for the rest of your life."

He chuckled before turning to his guards, "You heard her. Do as per her instructions."

While they pulled the screeching siren away, I called out after them, "Remember to keep her alive. Don't beat her up too much."

With that, stupid God can't intervene now. Because he could only move if any major changes threatened that bitch's life. As for why I'm still breathing after I shot her, I don't know. Best reason I could come up with was that I wasn't originally from this world. So the world's will doesn't apply to an outsider like me. Only its inhabitants. If you think she had it worse, think again. At least she got to live to reflect her trashy life. Unlike the 2nd male lead. Since he wasn't the main hero of this story, God isn't gonna protect him. Once Senior's position as the Crown Princess was confirmed, he's useless to me. It's better for him to die once and for all. Like this, there won't be any crazy collector to threaten Senior's safety again.

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