Chapter 50 - Senior's future entourage

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Keira's POV

After a gruelling 3 hours of pure horror, this stupid written exam was finally over. Truthfully, even after burning multiple midnight oils, it didn't make me any smarter whatsoever. There were a lot of questions I still didn't know how to answer. All I could do was randomly write some bullshit in and hope that the marker was extra blind when it came to my paper.

"How was it?" Cain asked while we were walking out of the dreaded exam hall.

"Hahaha... Let's not talk about that..."

Hopefully, Senior's grade won't fall to shit because of this...

Like a good friend he was, he patted my back comfortingly, "It's okay. You're quitting the academy soon, right? So it doesn't matter. Come, I will treat you to a feast."

I suddenly thought of Senior and said, "Let's go find Senior Ahri first."

He snickered, "Oh, since when did you consider Senior before your stomach?"

I rolled my eyes, "I'm thinking about our future. If she were to find out we didn't invite her, she would absolutely go apeshit on all of us. I sure as hell don't want to taste her wrath. Not after I just survived this torturous exam."

After meeting up with Senior, Cain brought us to eat at a fancy seafood restaurant. While both of them were busy chatting and eating, I was sitting there thinking. Now that the studying part was out of the way, it's time for me to focus back on the main plot line. For the last month of my stay here, we would be going overseas for an inter-school competition. This would be when the heroine met her new entourage. Unlike the old one that's only filled with brain-dead cronies, this new entourage was made up of girls that were way smarter and more capable than the heroine herself. Not only do they have the ability to think on their own, they're also part of nobility, possessing the capital to push anyone they want to the top of the food chain. The only flaw I could find was the fact that they made a poorly thought out decision to support this damsel. Because the heroine helped one of them out, the rest became stupidly loyal to her, always protecting her and foiling Senior's plans. They used their connections and wealth to boost her all the way to the position of the human Crown Prince's fiancée, kicking Senior Ahri out of that position.

Normally, I would have chosen to eliminate all possible threats to Senior, but their loyalty was the very quality that made me change my mind. I can't have such excellent backers be wasted, much less fall into the hands of that dumb bitch. If I want Senior Ahri to be the new protagonist, I need them to support her instead. If I want to make sure Senior would never be bullied after I'm gone, she needs to have loyal people around her. People who would use everything at their disposal to help her. Not snakes who would throw her to the wolves the moment trouble strikes. This was also the perfect chance for this loner Princess to have some close female friends she could share secrets with. I mean, Cain was a good friend. But in the end, he's still a guy. Senior Ahri probably wouldn't want to share certain stuff with him. And yes, a social outcast like me just called the beautiful daughter of the Duke a loner. Sue me, I guess.

"What are you thinking about, Keira?" Senior asked while picking up a piece of prawn and hovering it in front of me.

About getting you some friends.

"Nothing," I replied while eating the prawn from her chopsticks.

So to stop this event, I just have to take over the heroine's job and help one of them out. Once they're on my side, it's as good as being on Senior's side. Her road to the top would be more or less secured. With both the support of the human Crown Prince and her entourage, as well as the position of demon Queen, she would be invincible. No one would be able to hurt her anymore. She would no longer have to suffer all on her own. She would have people close to her that actually cared about her. With that, I can leave without any worries...

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