Chapter 64 - It's finally over.

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Keira's POV
I opened my eyes to find myself in a familiar bright environment. A thick and pungent smell of antiseptics enveloped this place. The hospital was buzzing with activity even in the late night. I was staring at the people entering and leaving the lobby area.


My head whipped around at the all-too-familiar voice. It was Arthur.

"My chauffeur already booked an appointment for you. You can go now."

Ah... Here it is again...

By now, my heart was already numb to the cruelty of my saviour. He was the only one kind to me, and yet, also the person who hurt me the most. While I was standing there dumbly, I noticed a nurse walking towards me. The same nurse who pulled me away. I was waiting quietly. Waiting for this painful dream to pass. But this time, the nightmare didn't proceed like it usually would, with me being dragged away as Arthur cold-heartedly left.

A soft and fair hand gripped my wrist. I looked up. Senior Ahri was smiling warmly at me.


She rubbed my wrist soothingly with her thumb, "Let's go home, Keira."

After she said this, she led me away. Away from this damn place. I was trailing behind her, being confused as heck.

Why is Senior here???

This doesn't make any sense. I'm on Earth. Not in that Mary Sue novel. So why was Senior here? It doesn't make sense. None of it does. But despite being utterly befuddled, I didn't struggle. I didn't once turn back for Arthur either. Even more strange was that I didn't feel alarmed that a character in a book appeared in my world, pulling me to god knows where. In fact, I felt at peace. More at peace than when I was facing the familiar presence of Arthur. The familiarity of his cruelty. I don't know where we were heading to, but at this moment, it didn't matter. Because the person leading me away was Senior. She would never hurt me.

The beautiful woman at the front suddenly turned back and said, "You know you're the centre of my universe, right?"



Her gaze softened and she caressed my cheek, her warm hand leaving blazing trails across it.

My eyes flew open and I was staring at the crystal chandelier in Senior's bedroom.

What was that dream???

Before I could ponder about the meaning of life, my head was suddenly hit by a wave of pain. My brain felt like it was being ripped apart, the room spinning around me. My mouth was dry and parched, as if I hadn't drank water for days on end. There's also a strange soreness in my heart. In short, I felt like dying. I could only squeeze my eyes shut and wait for the pounding headache to stop stabbing my brain. After a few minutes of deep breaths, the pain lessened a little, to the point where I don't feel like throwing up. This was when I recalled myself stupidly drinking a whole glass of wine. I thought since I didn't have a chance to taste such luxurious liquid back in my world, I should make use of this opportunity now. How I regretted it. I shouldn't have even drank that! I should have remained an innocent little kid! Not pretend to be some sophisticated adult and get myself dead-drunk from just a glass!

Why the heck would anyone like this shit??? They enjoy having their heads stabbed in the morning???

With the solemn vow to never touch that blasted thing again, I groggily got up and stumbled my way to the bathroom. After a quick wash up, I slowly clambered down the stairs, being careful to not accidentally trip and roll down like a clown. My vision was still spinning a little, my stomach howling at only having cupcakes and wine for dinner. I could already smell the delicious aroma of eggs and toasts. My stomach growled in protest again and I quickly ran down, excited to try Mrs Seria's heavenly breakfast. But what I saw instead wasn't the great cook herself. It was her daughter. Senior was humming to herself as she used a spatula to stir something in the pan. I had to blink and rub my eyes multiple times to make sure I'm not dreaming.

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