Chapter 51 - Who the hell is she???

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Akali's POV
"Urghhh... Why do we have to waste our time here???" I complained while spinning my kunai absent-mindedly.

"Because we need to attend the competition," Sera 'helpfully' answered.

I looked at her, unimpressed, before trying to seek help from Kai, "Bokkie, don't you find these people annoying? Let's just go back. There's no point to this boring old competition."

"As much as I like to, we can't. Not unless we want to destroy the already-strained relationship between humans and demons. And I definitely don't want to explain to our King why we started a war."

I rolled my eyes, "It's just a competition. Why say it like it's the end of the world? Just tell your demon King you don't want to waste your time on these weak humans."

Senior Evelynn chuckled, "Aren't you a human too, darling?"

I shrugged and just focused on not exploding. But it was really getting on my nerves, especially when all these annoying guys were trying to disgust me with their dumb pick-up lines. Not that they have to try hard since they're already doing their job damn well.

Suddenly, I noticed a bright light shining in the distance. It was a teleportation array. A bunch of students came out from it. 2 of them were the most recognizable. They were high ranking demons. One of them was the daughter of the Kumiho clan, Ahri, while the other was the werewolf General, Cain. If there's one thing I looked forward to this pointless trip was the fact that I get to have the chance to fight against them. Especially Senior Ahri. Even for a nine-tailed fox who's known for possessing strong magic affinity, her innate talent really takes the cake. The first time I met her was 2 years ago. Back then, I was only a kid who wasn't old enough to enrol into an academy yet. I came here to scout for potential rivals. That was when I saw her. She was against one of the older students. He was pretty misogynistic and straight-up revolting but she didn't even care about the rubbish he was spewing out. She just KOed him with a single ability. As if that wasn't impressive enough, I would never forget her words.

She legit looked at that bastard with a cold expression and said, "Next time, you should probably be more self-aware. With that weak strength of yours, you still dare to have such a big mouth? Let me tell you, even if you're the last guy in the world, I would rather die alone."

That was fucking brutal. The emotional damage was too much for that poor bum. He immediately went back home early to lick his wounds. In fact, his ego was trampled to the point where he didn't even dare to come for this year's competition. Because of that one fight, it earned her the name Ice Queen. Which was pretty funny since she specialised in fire magic. Just goes to show how sharp-tongued she was. Many people were afraid of going against her. After all, they didn't want to be the next one on the chopping block. But not me. I could still vividly remember how my blood rushed to my head when I saw her strength. How my heart raced. It was unbelievable. I really wanted to fight against her. A pity that when I tried to apply for her academy, I was rejected due to the academy already reaching their maximum quota of intakes. I was really pissed. Who the hell got in my way??? If I knew who was the last person to be admitted into that academy, I would have freaking skin them alive!

As expected, the moment those 2 beautiful people made their entrance, everyone turned to look at them. The new guys were basically ogling at her without shame. I was secretly snickering, waiting for Senior Ahri to give them a piece of her mind. After all, the Ice Queen was known to not take kindly to horny people. The last person who flirted with her was sent straight to the hospital for a month. However, this time, instead of bashing their heads in, Senior Ahri didn't even spare them a second glance. She was just looking at the taller raven-hair girl beside her. The girl's entire face and arms were wrapped in bandages. Especially her right eye. Her right eye was completely covered up. But what's most intriguing was that even though people were looking at her in disgust, Senior Ahri's attention was all on her. It's like she's the only person in her eyes. She wasn't a least bit turned off by the bandages at all.

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