Chapter 40 - Even if no one believes you, I do.

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Keira's POV
2 days later.

It was finally the day of the duel. While wearing my combat outfit and mask, I looked down at my right hand to make sure that everything was working well. The last thing I needed was to have something cocked up in a life-and-death moment. My heart was beating rapidly when I saw the seal on my palm. I was scared. I fear pain. I fear death. And this could very well mean both of them. I took a deep breath and hurriedly wore my gloves. Don't need to freak myself out before the battle. I had already decided to do this. So I will stick to it till the end.

I walked out of my room and towards the field. When I reached there, the place was already packed with professors and students. I could hear their snickers and jeers. They probably can't wait to see me die a horrible death. I ignored their mocking stares and focused on the task at hand. That fucker was standing in the middle of the grassy field, gloating at me.

Before I could walk towards my impending doom, Senior Ahri pulled my arm, "Keira, you don't have to do this. I will be fine. I still have my Duke title to protect me."

I smiled dryly and patted her head, "It's okay, Senior. Have faith in me. I will win. I won't let that fucker marry you."

She sighed and squeezed my arm, "Then make sure to come back safe. Don't do anything stupid. If you feel that you can't win, immediately surrender. I will make sure that bastard won't be able to touch you."

I don't think I will even leave here alive...

I nodded and walked towards the 2nd male lead.

He smirked, "Here you are. I thought you would have escaped. Didn't expect you to stupidly run to your death."

I wasn't in any mood to listen to his crap so I turned to one of the professors, "Can we start this duel now?"

The professor nodded and announced, "Let the battle begin."

The moment he said that, I immediately whipped out Darkhorn Trident and fired multiple fireballs at the bastard.

He quickly dodged them, "Stupid insect! Do you think this will work?"

I ignored him and focused on shooting more spells at him. I should try to keep my distance during this whole fight. After all, I'm both magic-less and physically weak. If I keep him at arm's length, I could still react to any shit he threw at me. The moment he came close to me, it would be game over for me. That bastard's body began morphing. His skin turned darker as he grew larger in size, ripping his shirt to pieces. A pair of wings sprout out from his back. His nails elongated into yellow claws. Horns grew on either side of his head. The whites of his eyes turned black and his creepy blood-red eyes stared back at me.

I didn't even have the time to judge his hideous look since he dodged my magic and immediately rushed towards me. I hurriedly booked it. While running, I continued to fire spells at him. But the projectiles merely sizzled against his thick skin and he continued running towards me like a psychopath. I took out Dark Repulser and parried his incoming fist. My right arm nearly broke from the force of his punch. This stupid hulk's fist didn't even bleed from my blade! I pointed the barrel of my gun at his chest and opened fire. The close proximity of the magic caused him to stumble backwards from the impact.

He sneered, "Stupid human! It won't work!"

A magic seal appeared on his palm and he fired a stream of black flames towards me. I instantly ducked to the side. I could feel the scorching heat of the flames that nearly missed my face. The grass near my foot was burnt to a crisp. There was a black spot on the wall behind me as the flames singed its surface.

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