Chapter 29 - Why was he willing to sacrifice everything for the villainess?

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Keira's POV
I opened my eyes to find myself standing in a familiar dilapidated room.

Great. Another weird dream.

I tried to pinch myself awake but all it did was make my cheeks sore. It did not wake me up at all. I sighed in frustration and just walked around the room. This time, I wasn't trapped in the body of a kiddo so I could freely move around in my own body. This was when I noticed a little boy sitting on a bed.

Is that him?

I looked closely at him. He was a beautiful young boy with short raven-black hair. But what's most fascinating about him was his eyes. They were a vibrant shade of violet that stood out even in the dark gloomy room. But for some reason, they don't look creepy at all. In fact, they were really pretty. Like 2 sparkling jewels.

How did he make those hideous eyes look so good?

He might be a child now, but from his facial features, it was pretty clear that he would grow up to be a man that most women would swoon for.

Haizzz... I guess beauty runs in his family's genes.

The child didn't seem to notice me though since he never once looked in my direction. He may be sitting on his bed but he doesn't seem to be preparing to sleep. He looked really uneasy, frequently glancing at the small clock on his nightstand. He seemed to be waiting for something. Or someone.

Oh wait! Where's his parents?

This was when I noticed the 2 adults weren't here from the start of this dream. I looked at the clock. It was already 9pm.

Where are they???

The little boy suddenly kicked off his blankets and jumped out of bed. He opened the front door and ran outside. I followed behind him to see where he's going in the middle of the night. Once I exited out of the house, this was when I realised the tiny hut was in the middle of some freaking jungle. The hut was situated on a rocky shore, beside a wide river. He ran to a nearby tree and looked at the trunk for some time. I leaned closer to take a look as well. There was a small area on the tree trunk in which the bark was scraped right off. The scraped-off area seemed to form a weird symbol. It was a waypoint. He immediately ran deeper into the dark forest, occasionally stopping to check the surrounding trees for waypoints.

Along the way, he was shouting, "Daddy! Mommy! Can you hear me?!"

But no one answered his calls. He started panicking and ran even faster, screaming louder.

I hurriedly hushed him, "SHHH! We are in the middle of a FREAKING forest! What if the animals heard you?!"

But he didn't seem to hear me at all since he continued screaming away like a dumb child. I was nervous.

What if some predators heard him?! I don't want to be caught in the crossfire!

I wanted to go back to where we came from but I honestly don't remember the way. My excellent directional skill was useless in this goddamn forest where everything looked the same! I could only grit my teeth and follow behind this fool.


This time, his calls were answered.



I stared at the cute and naive little boy who would soon grow up to be a cold-blooded and scheming bastard.

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