Chapter 19 - How is it possible for 2 people to be so similar?

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Ahri's POV
I was currently sitting in a cafe, happily munching away my cream cake while secretly snickering at Keira's depressed look. I don't know what's been going on in her little head all day. Recently, she has been trying to push the disgusting human Crown Prince to me. I know this because after the first night lesson, I noticed her talking to Crown Prince Asher more often. The Crown Prince would also start to frequently 'compliment' me. I said 'compliment' but it was more like looking down on me. How dare that trashy human look down on me! His compliments were so tasteless. It wasn't like Keira's, both funny and amusing. His compliments were straight up repulsive and misogynistic. It honestly pissed me off so much that I felt like slapping him on several occasions. He even kept 'coincidentally' meeting me during my shopping trips. Everywhere he went, that annoying commoner girl, Lily, would always be there as well. But the worst part of it all was that this cockroach didn't get social cues at all and would persistently follow me around like the pest that he was. The sight of the both of them was so revolting that it always kills my mood for the day.

During the whole trip, Lily would always glare at me like I stole her boyfriend or something, which was pretty hilarious. Besides his status and wealth, nothing about him piques my interest at all. I don't even find him attractive. She could have him for all I care. I very much prefer people like Kaizer and Keira, always so amusing and interesting to hang around with. Unlike that boring cockroach, Keira would somehow always make me laugh without fail. Since she didn't sugarcoat her words and beat around the bush, it was also more relaxing to hang out with her. To be honest, I don't know how the heck Keira had the idea that I liked him. I don't. Who would even like a bastard that's so full of himself??? Well, maybe Lily, but definitely not me! I was kinda pissed at her for creating more trouble for me so I made sure to foil all her little plans. I would always drag her to follow along with us. I mean, I can't be the only one suffering from this guy's annoying presence. The instigator herself should also suffer alongside me!

At least all these shenanigans weren't completely irritating. I was still pretty entertained when I saw Keira show different kinds of emotions. She would look at the guy in disgust and disbelief whenever he said some tasteless comments or did something insulting. She got especially pissed whenever that guy brought along his little commoner girlfriend. I could feel the murderous intent from her. Well, except for that one guy who lacks social awareness. I also really enjoyed her speechless reaction when I used my wealth to repel her little tricks. Her reaction was especially cute whenever I flirted with her. Even with the mask on, I could tell she was embarrassed. It seemed like she was not used to hearing others say that to her. This meant that other people have not flirted with her before. That's good! She's my servant so only I can do that to her. No one else can!

While taking bites after bites of the sweet cream cake, I noticed Keira taking up a fruit knife and an apple. She began peeling the fruit and cutting them up into strange shapes. She assembled the fruit pieces to form a beautiful swan figure. I froze when I saw this.

How could it be...

*Flashback starts*

"Good morning, little Princess."

I vaguely heard Kaizer's voice and groggily poked my head out of the warm blanket.

It's way too early for this...

He grinned when he saw my head poke out, "Hello, Princess. Rise and shine. Today's a big day for you. You finally get to remove your bandages!"

He walked up to me and carried me out of my warm bed. I glared at him but he pretended not to notice. Kaizer sat me on top of the wooden table and carefully unwrapped the bandages on my left paw. The injury had already healed up quite nicely. Some of my white fur has even grown back on the new skin. I happily raised my paw to inspect it. In another 3 days, all the white fur would have grown back and my paw would be as good as new. Then, I could finally go home. I could finally see Papa and Mama. I froze when that thought came to mind.

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