Chapter 52 - Keira, huh... What a pretty name... Just like her eyes...

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Akali's POV
The next day.

We were gathering in the nearby arena, waiting for this boring competition to start. Within a few minutes, I saw Cain and Senior Ahri walking into the field. The bandage girl was with them too. Today, she was wearing a full-black outfit with a demonic mask on her face. It completely hid her usual meek appearance. In fact, she looked strong and dependable. Definitely not like a magic-less person. For some odd reason, when I saw her new look, my heart skipped a beat. I can't seem to tear my gaze away from her. And that annoyed me to no end.

What the fuck's wrong with me?!

I could hear Senior Evelynn snickering behind me, "Oh my~ Like her new looks?"

"N-NO! Says who?! She just looked a bit different today!"

She chuckled, "Well, unlike someone, I'm a very honest person. I think she looks much better in this outfit. Enough to stir some naughty thoughts~"

I rolled my eyes and said nothing. I refused to let her words confuse me! When my attention inevitably went back to the source of my confusion, I noticed Cain and Senior having a heated conversation. It seemed like they were fighting about something. Meanwhile, that bandaged girl was pretending like none of these arguing shenanigans was happening. She just stood there like a wood block. Suddenly, Senior Ahri hugged her from behind and glared at Cain menacingly. I could feel my eyelids twitching.

What's so interesting about her???

As if this wasn't bad enough, I saw that same delusional girl from yesterday. She was gloating at me with her disgusting face, waiting for her dumb 'prophecy' to come true. As if I'm gonna beg her to help me!

Great. Now my morning is ruined!

I rolled my eyes and averted my gaze away from that bitch. Don't need to make myself vomit out my breakfast. Pretty soon, a few of the professors from different academies gathered on the podium.

One of them said, "Students, welcome to the annual inter-school games! For this year, the competition will be held a little differently. There's 2 components. You can choose to work alone or with others in either component."

No way I'm working with any one of these useless perverts.

"Each part will last roughly 2 weeks. For the first one, the format will be in the style of a dungeon run. All of you will be randomly divided into groups. You're not allowed to change your own groupings. Each group will be assigned a randomly generated dungeon. The dungeons' grade ranges from S to E. What you get will depend on luck."

... Are you kidding me??? That's the least fair of it all.

Who knows what these professors would do backstage? One of them could very well decide to screw over one group in particular. I don't want my fate to be decided in such a fucked-up way!

"You will be tested in your agility and quick thinking, as well as the ability to adapt to your surroundings. If you want to forfeit from the competition, you can only do so from the start. No backing out when you're in the middle of a dungeon run. Of course, the competition is considered over for you if your protection equipment activates in the middle of any games. In every run, the last 50 people will be out. It's perfectly fine to attack other students and get them to retire early. However, this will not change the fact that the last 50 runners will always be picked out. After each run, the rest of you will move on to the next dungeon tomorrow. We will repeat this sequence until only 100 people are left in each group. I will now reveal the groupings."

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