Chapter 43 - I will do whatever it takes to get Keira to fall in love with me.

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Ahri's POV
I closed the door to my bedroom and chuckled.

Keira is so cute.

Her shy reaction was really adorable. Much cuter than her usual cynical attitude. Well, at least she's feeling better now. When she started crying, I panicked. I don't want to see her break down like this. So I tried to comfort her, telling her that everything would be fine. That I would make sure she recovers. But it didn't calm her down at all. I had a hunch she's not crying just because of the pain alone. There was something more to it. Something she refused to tell anyone. That's the one thing I find annoying about her. She might be straightforward in her words, but she would never tell anyone anything about herself. She would rather bottle everything up than tell me her troubles. Since I didn't know what's bothering her, all I could do was to offer her a shoulder to cry on. Fortunately, after a few minutes, she calmed down. She also became a little more honest, which was a plus.

That wasn't the only benefit I gained from this meltdown episode. I was also really happy when I heard her say that her scar has always been there ever since she's young. My heart can't help but skip a beat. Her answer practically reaffirmed my guess that she's Kaizer's reincarnate. I didn't care if the timeline itself didn't make any sense at all. As long as she had that mark, it meant that she was Kaizer. After all, bites from a Kumiho don't heal like normal scars. We usually use this method to mark our mate. That's why if left unattended for a long time, the bite mark would forever remain imprinted on one's skin. The moment I realised she's Kaizer, I decided that I was gonna chase her. Because the one thing I regretted the most after Kaizer's death was the very fact that I never dared to chase him. Now that I meet his reincarnate, I don't want to repeat the same mistakes again. I don't want to waste this precious chance. This time, I will do whatever it takes to get Keira to fall in love with me. I don't care if other people don't accept our relationship. I mean, it's not like I'm in a relationship with them so their opinions mean nothing to me. As long as I get Keira to like me, everything will be fine.

I actually really wanted to tell her the truth. It would make my job SO much easier. But I can't. Keira would have looked at me like I'm insane. A cynical person like her would never believe in such a fairytale-like fate. So I annoyingly have to do things the long and complicated way. But it's okay. We have a lot of time together. Anyway, I'm also confident I can change her preference. Her nervous reaction basically tells me she never had this kind of intimate interaction with anyone before. I could definitely coax such an innocent little girl to like me. Besides, it's not just me alone. I'm not the only one attracted to her. My beauty also had a seducing effect on her. When I closed in on her, I obviously noticed her staring intently at my lips. She wanted it too. Just as much as I wanted hers. I had to really fight back the urge to just kiss her right there and then. After all, I don't want to scare the little girl away. I need to slowly get her more comfortable around me. I need to first let her get used to my touches, before moving on to more intimate actions.

It's okay. One step at a time, Ahri.

As much as I wanted to spend every waking second beside Keira, I can't since I still have unfinished business with some trash. My eyes narrowed when Lucifer and that commoner came to mind. I remembered how Lucifer stabbed her multiple times during the duel. How that very same bastard also prevented other demons from helping my dying Kaizer. I remembered Keira getting burnt by a wyvern because of that bitch. I grinded my teeth as multiple creative torture methods came to mind. I won't let them get away scot-free! I will make them pay! I will make them experience hell!

At this moment, one of my family's butlers came up to me and bowed, "Greetings, young lady. I came to inform you that our King has summoned you."

I nodded, "Lead the way."

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