Chapter 2

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It was the rainy season, and the days went by without noticing. Finally, the dark clouds cleared and the rain stopped. The ground was muddy, and everything looked green and fresh. You could hear the sound of water dripping from somewhere.

It was a perfect day for hunting.

I made sure to tightly cover my cave and then transformed into my fox form, dashing swiftly through the forest, avoiding the muddy paths and puddles.

Finally, I spotted my prey.

I engaged in a thrilling battle with a wild boar, gracefully dodging its sharp tusks. I snarled and snapped, trying to gain the upper hand. The boar grunted and charged, but I was nimble and quick. I leaped and evaded, staying just out of reach. The boar pawed and snorted, attempting to corner me. Back and forth we fought, until finally, with one last leap, I took down the boar.

With a satisfied smile, I transformed back into my human form, taking my catch and making my way towards a nearby river. I found a suitable spot to clean the boar and transformed my claws nails to sharp and long to easily remove its skin. After washing it, I planned to enjoy a hearty meal once I returned to my cave.

The sky started to darken again, indicating that rain was imminent. I quickly finished my task as darkness fell, and the cold wind sent shivers down my spine.

Transforming back into my fox form, I carried the boar and its skin in my mouth, carefully making my way through the forest.


Suddenly, a brilliant flash of lightning illuminated the area, followed by a loud boom. I closed my eyes, feeling the cold raindrops hitting my face as the strong wind blew through the forest.

When I opened my eyes, I couldn't believe what I saw. The lightning had created a hole in the ground, and to my surprise, there was someone inside.

A gentle and sweet fragrance wafted from her, instantly capturing my attention. I wasted no time and jumped into the hole.


Another lightning strike lit up the forest, revealing her face. She had dark wavy brown hair that cascaded down to her waist, and her fair skin had a rosy glow. I was amazed to see that she didn't have any injuries. It seemed she had fainted from the earlier strike.

Once again, my gaze focused on her face, noticing her long lashes and plump pink lips. She looked like the dream belle I had always imagined, even more beautiful than I had ever dreamed.

In my human form, I carried her swiftly to my cave and gently laid her on the stone bed, which I had covered with soft animal skins. I placed additional skins on top of her to ensure she wouldn't feel the chill.

Satisfied with everything, I transformed back into a fox and went to savor the meal I had caught, saving half of it for her.

After finishing my meal, I securely closed the entrance to my cave and went to lie next to her on the stone bed. One thing was certain in my mind—she would be my belle.

I opened my eyes when I felt her stirring in my arms. She stopped and blinked her beautiful honey-colored eyes, which seemed a bit blurry.

"Belle? Are you awake?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't be startled by my presence. My voice sounded a little raspy, but I tried to sound gentle.

She glanced around, but I realized she might not have night vision.

Suddenly, her eyes welled up with tears, and she snapped at me, "I am not Belle. Call me Fiorella."

Ah, I understand now. Most Belle don't like being called Belle. I smiled and went towards the entrance, removing the stone door. When the light filtered in, she closed her eyes, adjusting to the brightness.

When she opened them again, she looked at me with a gaze that made me feel like the most handsome beau she had ever laid eyes on. A sense of pride swelled within me.

"Fiorella... Fiorella... Such a lovely name," I repeated her name, wanting to pronounce it correctly. If I said it wrong, she might scold me. It seemed like I was saying it right. Her name was really unique, it was the first time I had heard such name.

Her eyes examined me, then she averted her gaze, looking around. I gently placed my hands on her cheeks, noticing her feminine scent becoming stronger the closer we were.

I felt a mixture of nervousness and excitement, but I couldn't resist touching her cheeks. She looked at me, and with a warm smile, I introduced myself, "Fiorella, my name is Sebastian, a beau from the White Fox Tribe."

Her eyes widened in surprise.

4 April 2023
I don't know if anyone reading this 😊.

Accordingly to my book terms:

Belle= Female
Beau= Male

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