Chapter 89

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Relly POV:

I gazed at the gorgeous mermen shedding pearls once again. "Luca, don't cry," I began, attempting to comfort him. But he only cried louder as I noticed a little mountain of pearls on the bed.

I let out a sigh. "Luca, please don't cry. You look ugly when you cry," I blurted out without thinking.

His big green eyes widened, his nose turned red, and tears in the form of big fat pearls streamed down his face. "You... you think I'm ugly because I don't have hair?" he hiccuped.

Panic washed over me. "No, no, Luca. I don't think you're ugly," I said desperately, but his eyes remained red as he continued shedding a new mountain of pearls. He babbled while crying about how ugly he felt without hair, he felt like he was the most hideous mermen.

"Stop, Luca!" I couldn't bear it any longer. Without thinking, I kissed his lips to silence him.

His eyes widened in surprise. I moved my lips against his, tasting him and savoring his pleasant scent.

"Beep... beep. This scene is not suitable for cubs," Ren's voice interrupted us. I blushed and pulled away from Luca's lips.

At the door stood a big fat Jaguar with his tail raised, and on his back sat a cute little guy covering his eyes with his chubby hands. My heart warmed at the sight.

I now had my family. I smiled at them. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked, and Ren climbed down from the Jaguar's back while Charles transformed into his human form.

"me" Charles spoke, pointing at himself, then gestured to Ren. "We're here to see Luca."

Both of them looked at Luca, their eyes lighting up when they saw him in good condition.

They ran and jumped onto the bed.

Oh my god! They're so cute and caring.

I thought, feeling emotional.

But in the next second, I was left shocked as I saw Ren and Charles start collecting pearls from the bed without paying attention to Luca. "Look at how many pearls there are!" Charles exclaimed.

"Yes, Daddy Charles. We can play with them and make ornaments" Ren added excitedly.

I was speechless. I glanced at Luca, who was also looking at me. We exchanged glances and then turned to Jaguar and Cub, who were collecting the pearls in a container that Charles had taken out from his ring space.

"Umm... Luca" I spoke, looking at his face as he seemed about to cry again.

"Charles, Ren!" I had to be stern. I couldn't resist their cuteness, but I definitely couldn't bear to see Luca cry again and waste his precious tears.

Charles and Ren raised their heads and looked at me. "Aren't you here to see Luca? What are you guys doing?" I asked sternly.

"We're collecting pearls," Charles replied, pouting. He then looked at Luca with his golden big eyes and held Luca's hands. "You don't mind, right, Luca? We're just making space for you to sleep." Charles staring at Luca like he was his whole world.

Magically, Luca's eyes softened, and he glared at me. "Don't scold them again. They're still cubs and they don't know what to do," he said firmly.

I looked at Ren and Charles with confusion. Ren was still a cub, but Charles...about to speak.

"Shh" Luca scolded me again. This time, I shut up and looked at Luca, who was staring at Charles and Ren with a soft expression.

Wow. This is a whole new side of Luca. Because of his gentle and tender attitude toward me, I never thought he would scold me.

Rosa Lentus POV:

I gazed at Snake beast, who was sleeping on the bed. His long eyelashes, even though he didn't have a body like Sebastian and Luciano but still his figure was were drool-worthy. But his fine, silky golden hair was definitely envy-inducing. I couldn't help but feel jealous.

He appeared pale and cold, his thick dark brows furrowing as his eyelashes began to flutter.

"Are you awake?" I spoke, forgetting that I was scared of snakes.

He licked his lips and sat up, looking at me with displeasure. "Who are you?" he asked, his snake-like voice spitting out the words. I felt fear creep in as I observed his sharp teeth and venomous tongue.

"Haha... Can't you see? I'm here, helping you" I nervously replied, watching him look around in amazement. But when he heard my voice, his eyes snapped toward me.

"Are you saying I'm blind?" he imitated me with his dark, black eyes.

"No, no, no," I hurriedly spoke. "I'm just saying that my mate saved you. Now I'm Taking care of you."

"She saved me," he said, his eyes softening.

"Yes, yes, my mate. She's so powerful. She treated your wounds."

"Your mate," he tilted his head, devoid of emotion, and looked at me.

"Yes, yes, my mate. We love each other so much, and we already have a cub together. His name is Ren," I explained.

I shivered as a dark aura surrounded me.

6 January 2024

Check out the aesthetic board for Sirius! I have already updated it. 💛

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