Chapter 93

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Relly POV

After Sirius left, I walked back into Luca's room, where Rosa was already turned in to the lotus plants. He looked happy, his leaves swaying in the wind coming through the windows.

"Rosa," I spoke softly, and the plant turned into a human.

"Wife, did you miss me? I know you never forget me," Rosa smiled happily, his pinkish eyes sparkling as he looked at me. Honestly, I love his eyes.

I simply smiled at him and took his hand, checking his pulse. He was fine.

But I was surprised because plants also have hearts. It's truly magical.

Plant bodies are different from our bodies. Internally, they have cells, xylem, phloem, and vascular tissue in their bodies. If he can transform into a human, what kind of extraordinary cell does he have in his body?

"Rosa," I smiled a little. "Can you do something for me?" I asked.

"I can do anything for you, wife," Rosa looked at me happily with his dreamy eyes.

"Can you give me a little bit of your leaf?" I asked.

"Okay, take it," he didn't hesitate as he transformed back into a plant.

I took the leaf and Rosa turned back into a human.

"I'm sorry, Rosa. Did you feel any pain?" I felt sorry for him.

"No pain. Anyway, it will grow back again," his eyes sparkled as he looked very innocent.

I smiled at him. "Come down for dinner later." After that, I walked back into my room.

"Can someone take control of my body?"

I didn't hear any voices in my head.

What happened? Why is no one replying?

I started to panic.

"Freya... Fiorella... Flo... Maya..." I shouted in my head. "Aurora..."

No one replied.

"They are sleeping..." I heard a very innocent voice in my head.

I was shocked.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am Lily," she replied in her cute voice.

Stunned, I realized that Flo had mentioned that the other personalities were very dangerous, but this girl Lily seemed very innocent.

"Do you want to take control of the body?" I asked softly, afraid that I would scare her.

"Yes!!! I also want to collect flowers and play outside," hearing her excited innocent voice, I almost melted.

If only she knew the meaning of her play.

The next second, I gave her control of my body, and I found myself back in my green neon room.

I searched the space to see if I had found any tablets and a microscope. I was disappointed when I didn't find anything, but my sadness turned to happiness when I found an expensive and classic-looking microscope, along with some materials.

I took a sample of Rosa's leaf with water, making sure not to break anything. I put a cover slip on the sample and used a torchlight as a light source for the microscope. I watched every layer of cells.

I was excited.

Honestly, secondary growth is usually only found in big trees, but not only does Rosa have secondary growth, there is also an unfamiliar cell in the plant. It's perfectly round and crimson red, surrounded by many transparent white cells.

I studied them and noted everything I found.

God! This was magical.

The red round cell acted like a switch. When Rosa turned into a human, it switched to his human body.

I wrote down everything on the tablets, not paying attention to what was happening outside.

Then, I took another sample, focusing only on that different cell. I inspected every different cell while making notes.

10 January 2024

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