Chapter 124

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Arnold POV

'Why haven't Sirius and Alexander reached?' I wondered.

I was actually very nervous as I entered Fiorella's big house. I saw Skittle, the most furry cutest jaguar baby belle, sleeping under a tree.

Well, she was similar to Charles; she loved sleeping under trees and playing, acting all cute.

Her big golden eyes spotted me as she ran clumsily toward me.

"Uncleeeee," she shouted, running toward me in her pink animal skirt.

She raised her big eyes, looking at me, her arms outstretched to be picked up.

"Oww, Skittle, do you missed Uncle?" Picking her, I spoke with a smile as she rubbed her soft, round face against mine, especially my stubble.

I have no idea why she loves them so much.

"I mwissed you," she spoke as she hugged my neck, her long brown hair cascading down.

And she was a famous little beauty among little beaus nowadays.

This pissed off all of Fiorella mates, especially Rosa and Charles, who almost went to beat up cubs trying to become their sons-in-law.

"Where is your momma, Skittle?" I asked.

"Iwnside," she said. "Uncle, let me dnown, I wont to swleep."

"Okay," I said, putting her down, and walked inside.

However, I was spotted by two other cubs.

Benjamin and Samuel, three-year-old sons of Sebastian, actually looked like mini versions of him.

Only Benjamin had a different eyes color; he had brown eyes of her.

And Samuel was a carbon copy of his dad, with bluish-grey eyes and white hair.

"Why are you here, uncle?" Benjamin, being very naughty, smirked at me. "Are you here to seee mom?"

"Benjamin, he's your elder," the more mature Samuel held him back.

"Yeah, not only him, but also us," Sirius and Alexander entered.

"What no Isabelle"

"We don't want to pelay house houbse"

"Noo...I don't want pwlay that" another voices popped out from the stairs, little adorable Mermen, cute grumpy little bear, holding their little sister, Luciano's daughter, Isabelle. She had big brown eyes, long black hair, and an adorable chubby face.

Luciano was even more dangerous than Charles and Rosa; he didn't even let her play with boys except her brothers.

And Caelum's little peacock, whose name was Orion, was just like him. Recently, he learned to fly, and now he also started flying around everywhere.

They actually have a fivesome, ahem... and she gave birth to four litters of those cubs.

And my sons and Ren have recently started studying, so they are busy.

"Hello, little guys and baby Bella," I spoke with a smile, and Alexander and Sirius also greeted them.

Like little adults, they nodded their heads.
And left to play in the playhouse inside the house.

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